'What does the teacher do? What does the Guru [spiritual teacher] do? 
He gives the technique. And what is the technique? It's like putting 
the powder or ointment in the eye so that you begin to see little 
clearly from there. So putting the order, putting the powder or 
ointment in the eye, is all the teacher does. 



Maharishi Mahesh Yogi responds to the experiences given by Purusha
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News   
12 September 2007

In a special video conference with the Purusha* Programme recently, 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi commented on the experiences that were given by 
members of this programme, in answer to a question posed by the 
Danish government and national Press and a mayor from Argentina 
(please see separate articles, Parts I and II, linked at the end of 
this article). 

As his answer, one member of Purusha said that, having been told by 
Maharishi of Guru Dev's** instructions Pashya, pashya, pashya, 'See, 
see, see'—'Shri Guru Dev has come to my sight in Atma Brahm [the 
Totality, Brahm, which is the Self, Atma, of everyone], in the 
silvery golden light of Purusha [the Self, unbounded, transcendental 
silence]. . . . Guru Dev's Being has filled me, and life is full of 
love, and full of love for all beings, in the divinity of love . . .' 

Another member of Purusha said that 'I experienced myself as an 
expanding wave of consciousness and bliss, and the result was the 
materialization of the self-referral awareness of my own 
unboundedness into space and time in the form of the witness [the 
witness quality of the unbounded Self]. This was most dramatic on one 
occasion when the collapsed state of silence was challenged, so to 
speak, by a sudden loud noise in the environment. 

'Instead of my being thrown out of the silence, the fullness of 
infinity was pulled out of the fullness of nothingness. My point 
value singularity rose up like a solid column made of nothing but 
consciousness. I was that which was rising up, and on rising to a 
certain level, my awareness turned outward and became the unbounded 
witness, full of the value of self-referral consciousness.' 

Following the experiences from Purusha, Maharishi responded: 'The 
world has heard the silence speaking today, Purusha speaking his 
experience. The Unified Field [is] speaking itself and speaking the 
mechanics of diversified infinity. I want to give the joy to Dr John 
Hagelin [Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of 
World Peace, world-renowned quantum physicist, and Executive Director 
of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, 
USA], to express in words, because his students, those whom he has 
been guiding and interpreting, are capable of expressing totality of 
Natural Law. They are capable of expressing the quantified and 
unquantified values of the cosmic Constitution of the Universe. 

'Dr Hagelin, you are the joy of your floating around in the unbounded 
ocean, and everyone is enjoying your creation. It's such a joy to 
see, when we heard from Purusha. . . the words of Guru Dev: Pashya, 
pashya, pashya, pashya. ''See, see, see, and see.'' That's all the 
instruction [is]. 

'Because something that is there, eternally there, appears to be 
something else. So what is the instruction about it? ''You see, you 
see, you see, you see.'' It's a miraculous way of expressing 
everything without expressing anything. This is the technique the 
Vedic Literature defines. 

'What does the teacher do? What does the Guru [spiritual teacher] do? 
He gives the technique. And what is the technique? It's like putting 
the powder or ointment in the eye so that you begin to see little 
clearly from there. So putting the order, putting the powder or 
ointment in the eye, is all the teacher does. 

'The teacher doesn't bring out any new value. He asks him [the 
student] to see the old, ancient basic value in what he's seeing now. 
He's seeing a leaf. Now [the teacher] says ''You enter into the leaf. 
You see the leaf; you transcend the leaf, you transcend the colour on 
the leaf, the size of the leaf. All that you see you transcend, and 
then what you see is, the reality of the leaf.'' 

' ''See, I'll see, I'll see.'' This [is the] one-syllable expression 
of Vedic teaching. Vedic teaching means teaching Totality. The voice 
of today is ''Open a university which will actualize its name.'' The 
name is uni-, unified, -versity, [di] versified; Unified, [di]
versified. Purusha's voice today—the clarion call of Total Knowledge 
to the world—is ''Total Knowledge to every student, Total Knowledge 
to every student.'' Every underlined and total underlined. [This is 
the] Vedic University, which Purusha are going to teach. What they 
are going to teach? 

'Total Knowledge in one syllable, in one word. Exactly like the 
knowledge of the sap. What is the sap in a tree? It is transcendental 
to the leaf, transcendental to the flower, transcendental to anything 
that the tree is. This is a technique. We can qualify the technique. 
We say it's a most scientific and most ancient technique. That means 
it is not made by time and space values. 

'Scientific reality is that which doesn't waver. It doesn't become 
something else, it doesn't become something else. It digs into the 
cause, and cause, and cause, and ultimately the experiencer himself 
finds that ''I am this. I am Totality. I am Totality.'' 

'Whether we say the English ''I am Totality'' or say it in the Vedic 
expression—Aham Brahmasmi—Total Knowledge has to be opened to every 
student. And the teacher can't make excuses that the student cannot 
remember; he can't punish the student because he was told yesterday, 
and one day the student has forgotten what he was told. 

'These excuses of memory, or lack of memory, all these things that 
modern psychology brings out, they are all a trash, they are the 
useless logic to say that the boy is not able to grasp. It is the 
teacher who is not able to make him see what his own action is, what 
his own actor is, what his own process of action is. 

'So it is a lack of knowledge of Totality on the part of the teacher 
that is going to be taken away, and Dr Hagelin is going to produce 
thousands of teachers of this Total Knowledge, talking to them in 
terms of the language of science. Let us have the joy of what the 
Purusha have experienced, have expressed in their demonstration of 
reality today. Let's hear from the great exponent of modern science. 
Dr Hagelin, give us the joy of your expressions.' 

Please see also Part I and Part II of Maharishi's address earlier on 
this occasion, and also Dr Hagelin's comments requested by Maharishi. 

* Purusha: Purusha are single men devoted to a programme carefully 
designed by Maharishi for those who wish to dedicate themselves fully 
to the most rapid pace of evolution possible and creating world 
peace. This is accomplished through the extended group practice of 
the TM-Sidhi programme and activity dedicated to the fulfillment of 
the many programmes of Maharishi's worldwide movement. This is a full-
time programme requiring a minimum commitment of one year. 

'Purusha is a very ideal programme.... It is a wonderful programme 
for the individual to harness the full creative potential of Natural 
Law and use it to enjoy bliss. World peace is a by-product of it. 
Heavenly life on earth is a by-product of it.' -Maharishi 

Please see also Purusha. 

** Guru Dev Maharishi's spiritual teacher, Shri Guru Dev, His 
Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir 
Math, Himalayas. 

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