Honestly--and with all due respect to SSRS--I would expect him to give some lip service to MMY since he trained him in the meditation business. I also recognize that Indians in general are very forgiving and tolerant, sometimes to a fault. But there's only so much ones reputation can handle. It's OK to quietly distance oneself. So while I would expect that SSRS would still pose in admiration when talking to ex-TMers (like our dear Dr. Pete), I also know that that's part and parcel of the Indian psyche and also expected of a vow-bearing sannyasi (like SSRS).

In other words we should not expect to hear what SSRS really feels in his interactions with TMers or ex-TMers nor should we expect to ever see any denunciation of MMY by SSRS publicly. To a certain extent, it would at least be shooting himself in the foot.

So therefore it somewhat irrelevant what others may relate.

On Sep 13, 2007, at 4:32 PM, Marek Reavis wrote:

Vaj, Dr. Pete would probably know; I based my comments on statements he
has made and an earlier website that did show Sri Sri with Maharishi.

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