How long were you involved in Ramtha?  Any other highlights 
> from that association - that you care to share?
> lurk

I studied there for ten years. I left because it got into some weird 
stuff, like wild drinking as a path to enlightenment. Also because 
Ramtha was becoming too guru-like for me. I don't know if Ramtha is a 
real entity who is being channeled or if it's JZ Knight (the channel) 
acting, but however they pulled it off, they did teach us some pretty 
amazing things. 

In reply to Ron, who commented that developing psychic abilities has 
nothing to do with enlightenment ... bud, I disagree. IMO, the fully 
enlightened person would have access to divine abilities, psychic ones 
being part of it. When all the chakras are open and lit up with the 
power of kundulini energy -- available on a permanent basis -- the 
human being is capable of miracles. 

That is more my idea of enlightenment than the nonattachment model. At 
least it's what I strive for, whatever one wants to call it. Being 
nonattached hold little appeal for me. But that's another topic.

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