--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "brontebaxter8"
> > How long were you involved in Ramtha?  Any other highlights 
> > from that association - that you care to share?
> I studied there for ten years. I left because it got into some 
> weird stuff, like wild drinking as a path to enlightenment. Also 
> because Ramtha was becoming too guru-like for me. I don't know 
> if Ramtha is a real entity who is being channeled or if it's JZ 
> Knight (the channel) acting, but however they pulled it off, 
> they did teach us some pretty amazing things. 

I know almost nothing about the JZ Knight trip
except for two things. An old buddy of mine from
the Rama trip wound up over there, and because
he was rich, wound up paying for and producing
the Ramtha-front flick, "What the bleep..."

It was while watching that film in Sauve with
my friend Robert Crumb that I got my second hit
on it. Robert, who has been meditating himself
for 30 years and who has the most accurate bull-
shit detector I've ever encountered, watched
the film and then said, "The scientists were 
Ok if you like that sort of thing, but who was
that weird woman they kept putting onscreen who
acted as if she was possessed by a drunken Satan?"

He just nailed it IMO. That was my take on her
as well.

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