Off-World, this is absolutely exciting. I've always wanted to talk to someone 
who was having red-hot, metal-melting kundulini on an almost daily basis. I 
have so much I want to ask. So here goes, with inserted questions below. (For 
anyone who missed Off-World's fascinating post, I've also left the original 
intact at the bottom.)
  Off-World wrote:
It is entirely based on thousands of experiences I have had over the 
last 5 or 7 years. I am only now understanding them, and able to 
when I think about my experiences I can't 
really consider them any less than the most REAL experience of any 
kind I have ever had. 
  I totally relate, and wasn't challenging your experiences in the least. 
Personal experience is very high on my measuring scale when I'm researching a 
subject. I have often observed that my most "real" and also my most meaningful 
life experiences are not events that occur "in the world" but internal 
  I could be wrong, so I don't talk about it much. 
  The reality that is clear to me is that the field of bliss 
  is a vast ocean of burning lava of or bliss, not just some mild 
meek nicey nicey thing, that seeps gently up over a long time. 
  True, but water can express as a tsunami or a puddle and everything 
inbetween. When kundulini came to me in the love experience I described, it was 
soft, cloudlike and riverlike, but the powerful kundulini all the same. I only 
knew that years later after I had experienced some of kundulini's intenser 
expressions. They were the same thing, only different in degree.   
  Perhaps Maharishi knows this too, perhaps he thinks it will be much 
slower and gradual for the world. I can't see that myself, but maybe 
it will be slow enough for beings to adjust. I just can't see it 
though. The power of that thing is too strong. And I really believe 
it is more of a natural birthing of the planet. Completely natural. 
maybe for those who have been sidhas for a while it will not be so 
dramatic, and they shall ride it more naturally

  Maybe that's what our efforts in the movement were supposed to be about: 
helping make a smoother transition for the world when the global transformation 
happens. I don't think it has to be harsh. We have the ability to temper that, 
for ourselves and for others.
It is full of bliss, all-power, bright light, emptiness, and fear all 
at the same time. Very strange.

  Hmm. I don't feel fear or emptiness when I have the burning, although I don't 
like it when I want to fall asleep. Can you sleep when this is going on? 
  About the fear and emptiness ... what is it that's empty? What is the fear 
OF? That you will burn up? I have considered sometimes that if the burning I 
feel got much more intense, it WOULD be scary -- I'd be afraid I was going to 
burn up. Do you think people CAN burn up from kundulini? People who've died of 
"spontaneous combustion" -- do you think that's what it was all about?
  My take on the fear thing is that while it's present with kundulini at times, 
it is not kundulini itself but rather a person's resistance to it, their 
doubting of it. By itself, kudulini is power and fire and beautiful. It is the 
trumpet call that wakes the spirit and calls the body to new life. Maybe that's 
what the angel's trumpet call symbolizes in the Book of Revelations.
The purification is like a hot metal rod burning, but it is 
not damaging or painful, only healing. Oftentimes (3 or 4 times a 
week), it fills most of my sleeping night with fire and bliss and 
neuronal purification, and I am often surprised how the world has not 
transformed the next day.

  That is so beautiful. You're my new kundulini guru, Off-World. (Guru in the 
good sense.) Do you do anything to manage the energy, or do you just let it do 
its thing? Do you think kundulini can "get stuck" in a blocked chakra or other 
body area? If so, how does that feel, and how do you unblock the river?
Well, the body must change completely. Every cell and neuron would 
have to transform completely to accomodate this bright burning 
purifying fire. 
  Yes, yes, I've often sensed the destiny of this fire is to consume my body as 
I know it and transmute it into an immortal one. Physical immortality is 
certainly theoretically possible, since all the cells are made of is energy, 
which is itself immortal. A body that "ran on" higher consciousness, that was 
"wired" with high enough conscious, would not be subject to decay. The force 
that makes this transformation IMO is the kundulini. It seems made for that.
  If his theory of the effects of consciousness are 
correct, then there is no way it is going to be a slow gradual change 
over 100-200 years. It is exponential change, and the end of it will 
be moving so fast, we would likely call it armagedon, but not in the 
negative sense of the interpretation of the Bible. But as the Bible 
describes correctly there will be much extreme fear, and chaos and 
transformation of matter, but the absolute end result will be a 
higher level for all.

  I think that's where we come in -- the people who've already journeyed a ways 
down this corridor (the people who've been experimenting with meditation and 
consciousness-raising all their lives). We are here to be the tip of the snow 
plow. We can make it easier for the rest, when the transition comes, by 
creatively visualizing how we want the transformation to me. Thoughts create 
reality, and if enough of us picture this world change happening joyously 
instead traumatically, that's how it will come down, IMO.
  "Killing" or "dying" is an metaphor for the power of it. You don't 
die and get put in the ground, but it will be as close to dying as 
you can get. That is my experience of it. That is why Jesus talked 
about being 'born again'. To not use these very strong dramatic terms 
such as "being burned alive by the purifying bliss" would be to give 
the listener the wrong impression. It is a great thing I think, but 
not necessarily fun on all levels. The image of the Balrog in the 
movie Lord of the Rings seems a perfect expression of what we may 
have to face in the end. If you are ready, and accept the fear, then, 
like Gandhalf, you will be transformed.

  I don't remember that scene of the movie, but I grok you here. I think we 
feel scared of what we don't understnd. If a person can know that walking into 
the fire is a good thing, designed to remake their body, not destroy, the fear 
is not a hindrance and you can just dive in. Sort of like jumping into a very 
cold swimming pool on a very hot day -- you know it's going to zap you, but 
you're going to enjoy it once you get used to the water. I'm hoping you can 
help me with my fear of possibly getting injured or physically burning up. If I 
can get past that (and learn how to fall asleep), I will surrender to kundulini 
rather than resist it. Do you buy the stories you hear about kundulini being 
Anyway, maybe it will be different for different people, but I still 
don't see how you can get enlightened without facing great fear in 
your deep psyche, and transforming it into the energy it was supposed 
to be in the beginning. Not fear, but energy.

  Said so beautifully, Off-World -- "the energy it was supposed to be in the 
beginning." It was fear that railroaded this creation. Kundulini may be the 
door that opens the world to the power of God. IMO, the Infinite One had an 
original joyous divine intention for the universe that never yet got realized. 
It's still lurking to manifest. Kundulini may be the means. 

> off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "BillyG." <wgm4u@> 
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> > 
> > > I've NEVER experienced the awakening of the kundalini! I only 
> > > about it theoretically.
> > > 
> > > I haven't been following this conversation carefully, but might 
> your
> > > never
> > > having experienced it account for your having a hard time 
> believing
> > > that
> > > others in the TMO have? 
> > 
> > Yes, a lot! After 38 years I haven't, plus I still haven't heard 
> from
> > anyone here that has, and you haven't offered anything or anybody 
> that
> > has even claimed it!! Like, "I have a hard time believing", but
> > believing whom????? Once is good, but would hardly qualify as
> > functioning from the home of ALL the laws of nature.
> > 
> > Have you raised your serpent fire, and if so, more than once?>>
> Yes, but it is not a serpent. 
> That is another misnomer of the theorists.
> It is a purifying fire that will burn you alive, and there will be 
> nothing left of you. It has the power to completely change the 
> and body in short time. Overnight. And you will forget about 
> One day all humans will experience this and it will seem like 
> Armageddon to them. The whole planet will go insane because they 
> no understanding of this. It will be planetwide and it will be a 
> force that engulfs all humans. But what happens in the realm of 
> matter will not be important since the transformation will occur 
> completely, and the old self will be gone. History will be gone. 
> will die, and be re-born entirley as a completely new being. This 
> a natural flowering of the now pregnant Earth. She is pregnant and 
> she is about to give birth. There will be much birthing pain, but 
> newborn baby will wipe all that from memory.
> Kundalini will purify your brain as if someone took a hot poker and 
> seered it into your brain, but there will be no pain, only bliss. 
> However, there will be much fear and anguish among those who have 
> already had the experience, and have not acknowledged its 
> power, and therefore can face into the bright searing light and 
> accept the fear. This will happen within the next 5 years 
> OffWorld

off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          --- In, Bronte Baxter 
> Off-world, where did you get that stuff about the kundulini? Is it 
a strong feeling you get, something some teacher predicted, something 
you read somewhere? >>

It is entirely based on thousands of experiences I have had over the 
last 5 or 7 years. I am only now understanding them, and able to 
somewhat put them into words. It is VERY strange, and hard to 

<<It sounds kind of extreme to me. >>

Maybe you're right. But when I think about my experiences I can't 
really consider them any less than the most REAL experience of any 
kind I have ever had. However, I could be wrong, so I don't talk 
about it much. The reality that is clear to me is that the field of 
bliss is a vast ocean of burning lava of or bliss, not just some mild 
meek nicey nicey thing, that seeps gently up over a long time. 
Perhaps Maharishi knows this too, perhaps he thinks it will be much 
slower and gradual for the world. I can't see that myself, but maybe 
it will be slow enough for beings to adjust. I just can't see it 
though. The power of that thing is too strong. And I really believe 
it is more of a natural birthing of the planet. Completely natural. 
maybe for those who have been sidhas for a while it will not be so 
dramatic, and they shall ride it more naturally

It is full of bliss, all-power, bright light, emptiness, and fear all 
at the same time. Very strange.

But I could be wrong. All I know is the experience gets more frequent 
and I understand and assimilate it more. I also know that if someone 
had these experiences and did not have the intellectual knowledge, or 
preparation to grasp it, they would probably think they were going 
crazy. The purification is like a hot metal rod burning, but it is 
not damaging or painful, only healing. Oftentimes (3 or 4 times a 
week), it fills most of my sleeping night with fire and bliss and 
neuronal purification, and I am often surprised how the world has not 
transformed the next day.

<<I think a new time is coming, but I hope transformation doesn't 
have to burn us alive.>>

Well, the body must change completely. Every cell and neuron would 
have to transform completely to accomodate this bright burning 
purifying fire. I just can't see how it could go gradually because I 
feel it is exponential and when you look at an exponential curve that 
is my sense of this experience for the world. But maybe it could go 
slowly. When Maharishi talks about a transition phase that we are in, 
I am more convinced now that he is avoiding to mention that towards 
the end of that phase there will be a sudden and dramatic 
transformation. If his theory of the effects of consciousness are 
correct, then there is no way it is going to be a slow gradual change 
over 100-200 years. It is exponential change, and the end of it will 
be moving so fast, we would likely call it armagedon, but not in the 
negative sense of the interpretation of the Bible. But as the Bible 
describes correctly there will be much extreme fear, and chaos and 
transformation of matter, but the absolute end result will be a 
higher level for all.

<< Kundulini can come burningly or softly. I've experienced it both 
ways. It's not meant to kill you but to open you. That's my take on 
it anyway. >>>

"Killing" or "dying" is an metaphor for the power of it. You don't 
die and get put in the ground, but it will be as close to dying as 
you can get. That is my experience of it. That is why Jesus talked 
about being 'born again'. To not use these very strong dramatic terms 
such as "being burned alive by the purifying bliss" would be to give 
the listener the wrong impression. It is a great thing I think, but 
not necessarily fun on all levels. The image of the Balrog in the 
movie Lord of the Rings seems a perfect expression of what we may 
have to face in the end. If you are ready, and accept the fear, then, 
like Gandhalf, you will be transformed.

Anyway, maybe it will be different for different people, but I still 
don't see how you can get enlightened without facing great fear in 
your deep psyche, and transforming it into the energy it was supposed 
to be in the beginning. Not fear, but energy.

But maybe I am way off track...but I am enjoying these experiences 
more than ever, although I used to get more freaked out by them more 
than now. 


> off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "BillyG." <wgm4u@> 
> >
> > --- In, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> > 
> > > I've NEVER experienced the awakening of the kundalini! I only 
> > > about it theoretically.
> > > 
> > > I haven't been following this conversation carefully, but might 
> your
> > > never
> > > having experienced it account for your having a hard time 
> believing
> > > that
> > > others in the TMO have? 
> > 
> > Yes, a lot! After 38 years I haven't, plus I still haven't heard 
> from
> > anyone here that has, and you haven't offered anything or anybody 
> that
> > has even claimed it!! Like, "I have a hard time believing", but
> > believing whom????? Once is good, but would hardly qualify as
> > functioning from the home of ALL the laws of nature.
> > 
> > Have you raised your serpent fire, and if so, more than once?>>
> Yes, but it is not a serpent. 
> That is another misnomer of the theorists.
> It is a purifying fire that will burn you alive, and there will be 
> nothing left of you. It has the power to completely change the 
> and body in short time. Overnight. And you will forget about 
> One day all humans will experience this and it will seem like 
> Armageddon to them. The whole planet will go insane because they 
> no understanding of this. It will be planetwide and it will be a 
> force that engulfs all humans. But what happens in the realm of 
> matter will not be important since the transformation will occur 
> completely, and the old self will be gone. History will be gone. 
> will die, and be re-born entirley as a completely new being. This 
> a natural flowering of the now pregnant Earth. She is pregnant and 
> she is about to give birth. There will be much birthing pain, but 
> newborn baby will wipe all that from memory.
> Kundalini will purify your brain as if someone took a hot poker and 
> seered it into your brain, but there will be no pain, only bliss. 
> However, there will be much fear and anguish among those who have 
> already had the experience, and have not acknowledged its 
> power, and therefore can face into the bright searing light and 
> accept the fear. This will happen within the next 5 years 
> OffWorld
> > 
> > > By the same token, there are many who have a hard
> > > time that people on this board or living in FF are enlightened. 
> > >mean, they
> > > seem so normal. There are even things about them we might not 
> like.
> > >They
> > > can't fly. How could they be enlightened?
> > 
> > So are they enlightened? And how do you, would you know? Has 
> > at FF claimed they were Enlightened, and if so, how many? Just 
> >
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