Interesting coincidence below:


--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I love crows.
> A friend of mine turned me on to an old text from Tibet, which he 
> published privately, written in an archaic Sanskrit in the 9th  
> century and called the "Kakajarita". (more properly kAka-
cAritra, "On  
> the behavior of crows").
> "Kaka", much like that familiar sound "Caw! Caw!" is the Sanskrit  
> work for "crow".
> The text was translated by a pandit named Danacila into the 
> language as Bya-rog-gi skad brtag-par bya-ba, or "Investigating 
> Cries of Crows." It eventually found it's way into the Buddhist  
> Canon, the Tanjur, and thus became a commonly used text there. 
> can relate to it as what the presence of crows indicates from the 
> of Unity Consciousness.
> Here's some of it:
> Divination through observation of crows in Tibetan tradition is  
> founded on the following principles:
> 1. Crows are of varying distinction and intelligence, therefore  
> notice must be taken of the varying classes of crows.
> 2. Crows respond to events with characteristic behavioral 
> therefore by noting the character of the response one may learn 
> character of the event.
> 3. Crow behavior and response differs according to time of day.
> 4. The angle of direction between the observer and the crow has  
> significance.
> The general predictions governing crow calls are given as follows,  
> categorized by the time of day and the direction in which the call 
> observed.
> First Watch
> 6:00 am - 9:00 am
> East: Wishes will be fulfilled
> Southeast: An enemy will approach
> South: A friend will visit
> Southwest: Unexpected profit will accrue
> West: Great wind will rise
> Northwest: A stranger will appear
> North: Scattered property will be found
> Northeast: A woman will come
> Zenith: A demon will appear
> Second Watch
> 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
> East Near relatives will come
> South Flowers and areca-nuts obtained
> Southwest Numerous offspring
> West You will set out on a distant journey
> Northwest One king replaced by another
> North Good news will be received
> Northeast Disorder breaks out
> Zenith Fulfillment of your wishes
> Third Watch
> 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
> East: You will obtain property
> Southeast: A battle will arise
> South: A storm will come
> Southwest: An enemy will come
> West: A woman will come
> Northwest: A relative will come
> North: A good friend will come
> Northeast: A conflagration breaks out
> Zenith: You will gain profit by being taken care of by the king
> Fourth Watch
> 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
> East: Great fear predicted
> Southeast: Great gain coming
> South: A stranger will come
> Southwest: A storm will rise in seven days
> West: Rain and wind will come
> Northwest: Scattered property found
> North: A king will appear
> Northeast: You will obtain rank
> Zenith: Hunger predicted
> Sunset
> East An enemy appears on the road
> Southeast A treasure will come to you
> South You will die of disease
> Southwest The wishes of one's heart fulfilled
> West Relatives will come
> Northwest Obtaining property predicted
> North Homage will be done to the king
> Zenith You will obtain advantage you hoped for
> General Observations
> Crow on right: good journey
> Crow behind: you obtain siddhi
> A crow flapping his wings, calls: great accident
> Crow pulls human hair: death
> Crow eats dirty food: food and drink about to come
> Crow on thornbush: enemy
> Crow on milksap tree: milkrice to you
> Crow on withered tree: no food and drink
> Crow on palace: excellent halting place
> Crow on divan: enemy will come
> Crow facing door: peril at frontier
> Crow pulling dress: dress to you
> Crow on skull: death
> Crow with red thread on house: fire


In the waning days of the Merv wave I was teaching TM outside of 
Philadelphia (Chestnut Hill/Erdenheim) and a young man, Carlos, 
already a meditator, contacted me and asked me to initiate his dying, 
elderly mother who was bedridden in her home somewhere in North 

I gave her the first two lectures in one and arranged to come and do 
the initiation in her bedroom where she was confined.  When I came 
back the next day after initiation for the first day of checking she 
told me that she had heard a crow call to her outside her bedroom 
window (south, if I recollect correctly) during her first meditation 
alone and she knew that she was to die soon, but it didn't bother her 
at all.  She did, however, sincerely believe that the crow was a 
messenger to her of her impending death. 

Nothing more than that, but the situation and the circumstances -- 
myself as a very young (and earnest) man spending hours alone with an 
old, dying woman in the small, dim bedroom where she lay preparing 
for death, all the while speaking to her about meditation and 
enlightenment, and her sudden interjection of the message she 
received from the call of the crow -- stuck with me.  The Tibetan 
auguries from the calls of the crows reminded me of that again.

Thanks for that.


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