At 07:10 PM 8/20/2001, you wrote:
>         I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Julz and I've been a
>Farscape fan since the first episode.  I'm so glad I found a list of
>people to share my obssession with!
>         I'm going to DragonCon this year.  It's an annual trip for my
>husband and I -- the trip is only 40 minutes away for us!
>I hope the organizers will set up a forum for Virginia Hey.  I'd love to
>hear her take on some of my favorite episodes.
>That's it for now and glad to be here :)

Unfortunately, she may not be on any panels.  You'll have to check the 
pocket schedule, which I suppose you're familiar with since you've attended 
the convention before.  She should be listed in the index if she has 
anything scheduled.

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