Hi All,

I am having difficulty getting the correct precision for the numeric
display of sliders (vertical or horizontal). This is the case both with GTK
and QT. My problem is that I would like to specify a slider step of say,
0.000001. The QT app numerical entry field to the right of the slider
displays a number with this same precision however only the first three
decimal places are actually used (the last three remain 0). Furthermore the
step size implemented is actually 0.002.

So where a slider is coded as follows:
s0 = hslider("h(0)", 0, -5, 5, 0.000001);

The behavior as it is incremented either by the slider or numeric entry (QT
app only, GTK app does not have a configurable one):
0.002000 -> 0.004000 -> 0.006000 -> 0.008000 -> 0.010000 ...

This is also the precision of the slider/numeric entry when the step is
specified as 0.0001 or 0.00001. Why does it behave like this? - Defaulting
to 3 decimal places with a step of 0.002?

However coding a slider like:
s0 = hslider("h(0)", 0, -5, 5, 0.001);

It works as it should:
0.001 -> 0.002 -> 0.003 -> 0.004 ...

So I am wondering if I am missing something? I have tried compiling using
-quad and -double options but this has no effect. I had some (beginners)
luck getting a step with this many decimal places for a GTK numeric entry
but only because I compiled inline and altered the UI class to specify the
precision of the step. Is there a way active widgets like the above can be
made to abide to this many decimal places for a step?

Sorry for a n00bish question, I am new to Faust. Any help/clarity would be
much appreciated.

Regards, Aidan.
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