Klaus, I’m using Atom+FaustLive, Max and SC to do the tests, but I get the same 
crash as you with faustide/editor.

Btw the reading are aprox but not the same as Youlean nor Insight2 for 
also thinking about how to do the -70 dB gate and most important the integrated 

Juan Carlos

> El 10 jul 2021, a las 12:17, Klaus Scheuermann <kla...@posteo.de> escribió:
> Thanks, Juan :)
> Your code crashes my faustide on firefox and on chromium (both linux).
> Here is the error message:
> ASSERT : please report this message and the failing DSP file to Faust
> developers (file: wasm_instructions.hh, line: 918, version: 2.32.16,
> options: -lang wasm-ib -es 1 -single -ftz 0)
> When 'realtime compile' is active, the only way to gain control again is
> to delete all cookies and cache from the site.
> I'll try Dario's workaround now ;)
> Cheers, Klaus
> On 09.07.21 18:08, Juan Carlos Blancas wrote:
>> Hi Klaus, 
>> For me ms_envelope and rms_envelope functions are not working properly. I’ve 
>> done some test in my Mac Pro with High Sierra, porting without barograph to 
>> Max or Supercollider and I get the strange gate behaviour in low levels.
>> My workaround at the moment is using ba.slidingMeanp instead of ms_envelope, 
>> but it’s 2x cpu intense, so I guess Dario solution of 1plp filter would be 
>> the best for the mean square stage.
>>>> lp1p(cf, x) = fi.pole(b, x * (1 - b))
>>>>   with {
>>>>   b = exp(-2 * ma.PI * cf / ma.SR);
>>>>   };
>>>>   zi_lp(x) = lp1p(1 / Tg, x * x);
>> Cheers,
>> Juan Carlos
>> // Mono Momentary LUFS meter without gate of Julius, using slidingMeanp 
>> instead of ms_envelope
>> import("stdfaust.lib");
>> A48kHz = ( /* 1.0, */ -1.99004745483398, 0.99007225036621);
>> B48kHz = (1.0, -2.0, 1.0);
>> highpass48kHz = fi.iir(B48kHz,A48kHz);
>> highpass = fi.highpass(2, 40);
>> boostDB = 4;
>> boostFreqHz = 1430;
>> highshelf = fi.high_shelf(boostDB, boostFreqHz);
>> kfilter = highshelf : highpass;
>> MAXN = 262144;
>> Tg = 0.4;
>> Lk = kfilter <: _*_ : ba.slidingMeanp(Tg*ma.SR, MAXN) : ba.linear2db : 
>> *(0.5);
>> process = _ <: attach(_, Lk : hbargraph("[1]Momentary LUFS",-70,0));
>> //
>>> El 9 jul 2021, a las 16:55, Klaus Scheuermann <kla...@posteo.de> escribió:
>>> Ha, so I was really on to something ;)
>>> Is the bug in the meter or in the envelope?
>>> Would you have a workaround for me to get on with the lufs analyser?
>>> Thanks, Klaus
>>> On 08.07.21 19:19, Julius Smith wrote:
>>>> Hi Dario,
>>>> The problem seems to be architecture-dependent.  I am on a Mac (latest
>>>> non-beta software) using faust2caqt.  What are you using?
>>>> I do not see the "strange behavior" you describe.
>>>> Your test looks good for me in faust2octave, with gain set to 0.01 (-40
>>>> dB, which triggers the display bug on my system).  In
>>>> Octave, faustout(end,:) shows
>>>> -44.744  -44.968  -44.708
>>>> which at first glance seems close enough for noise input and slightly
>>>> different averaging windows.  Changing the signal to a constant 0.01, I get
>>>> -39.994  -40.225  -40.000
>>>> which is not too bad, but which should probably be sharpened up.  The
>>>> third value (zi_lp) is right on, of course.
>>>> gain = 0.01; // hslider("Gain [unit:dB]",-70,-70,0,0.1) : ba.db2linear;
>>>> sig = gain;  //sig = no.noise * gain;
>>>> On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 3:53 AM Dario Sanfilippo
>>>> <sanfilippo.da...@gmail.com <mailto:sanfilippo.da...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>   Hi, Julius.
>>>>   I must be missing something, but I couldn't see the behaviour that
>>>>   you described, that is, the gating behaviour happening only for the
>>>>   display and not for the output.
>>>>   If a removethe hbargraphaltogether, I can still see the strange
>>>>   behaviour. Just so we're all on the same page, the strange behaviour
>>>>   we're referring to is the fact that, after going back to low input
>>>>   gains, the displayed levels are -inf instead of some low,
>>>>   quantifiable ones, right?
>>>>   Using a leaky integrator makes the calculations rather inaccurate.
>>>>   I'd say that, if one needs to use single-precision, averaging with a
>>>>   one-pole lowpass would be best:
>>>>   import("stdfaust.lib");
>>>>   zi = an.ms_envelope_rect(Tg);
>>>>   slidingSum(n) = fi.pole(.999999) <: _, _@int(max(0,n)) :> -;
>>>>   slidingMean(n) = slidingSum(n)/rint(n);
>>>>   zi_leaky(x) = slidingMean(Tg*ma.SR, x * x);
>>>>   lp1p(cf, x) = fi.pole(b, x * (1 - b))
>>>>   with {
>>>>   b = exp(-2 * ma.PI * cf / ma.SR);
>>>>   };
>>>>   zi_lp(x) = lp1p(1 / Tg, x * x);
>>>>   Tg = 0.4;
>>>>   sig = no.noise * gain;
>>>>   gain = hslider("Gain [unit:dB]",-70,-70,0,0.1) : ba.db2linear;
>>>>   level = ba.linear2db : *(0.5);
>>>>   process = sig <: level(zi) , level(zi_leaky) , level(zi_lp);
>>>>   Ciao,
>>>>   Dr Dario Sanfilippo
>>>>   http://dariosanfilippo.com <http://dariosanfilippo.com>
>>>>   On Thu, 8 Jul 2021 at 00:39, Julius Smith <julius.sm...@gmail.com
>>>>   <mailto:julius.sm...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> I think that the problem is in an.ms_envelope_rect,
>>>>       particularly the fact that it has a non-leaky integrator. I
>>>>       assume that when large values recirculate in the integrator, the
>>>>       smaller ones, after pushing the gain down, are truncated to 0
>>>>       due to single-precision. As a matter of fact, compiling the code
>>>>       in double precision looks fine here.
>>>>       I just took a look and see that it's essentially based on + ~ _
>>>>       : (_ - @(rectWindowLenthSamples))
>>>>       This will indeed suffer from a growing roundoff error variance
>>>>       over time (typically linear growth).
>>>>       However, I do not see any noticeable effects of this in my
>>>>       testing thus far.
>>>>       To address this properly, we should be using TIIR filtering
>>>>       principles ("Truncated IIR"), in which two such units pingpong
>>>>       and alternately reset.
>>>>       Alternatively, a small exponential decay can be added: + ~
>>>>       *(0.999999) ... etc.
>>>>       - Julius
>>>>       On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 12:32 PM Dario Sanfilippo
>>>>       <sanfilippo.da...@gmail.com <mailto:sanfilippo.da...@gmail.com>>
>>>>       wrote:
>>>>           I think that the problem is in an.ms_envelope_rect,
>>>>           particularly the fact that it has a non-leaky integrator. I
>>>>           assume that when large values recirculate in the integrator,
>>>>           the smaller ones, after pushing the gain down, are truncated
>>>>           to 0 due to single-precision. As a matter of fact, compiling
>>>>           the code in double precision looks fine here.
>>>>           Ciao,
>>>>           Dr Dario Sanfilippo
>>>>           http://dariosanfilippo.com <http://dariosanfilippo.com>
>>>>           On Wed, 7 Jul 2021 at 19:25, Stéphane Letz <l...@grame.fr
>>>>           <mailto:l...@grame.fr>> wrote:
>>>>               « hargraph seems to have some kind of a gate in it that
>>>>               kicks in around -35 dB. » humm…. hargraph/vbargrah only
>>>>               keep the last value of their written FAUSTFLOAT* zone,
>>>>               so once per block, without any processing of course…
>>>>               Have you looked at the produce C++ code?
>>>>               Stéphane
>>>>> Le 7 juil. 2021 à 18:31, Julius Smith
>>>>               <julius.sm...@gmail.com <mailto:julius.sm...@gmail.com>>
>>>>               a écrit :
>>>>> That is strange - hbargraph seems to have some kind of
>>>>               a gate in it that kicks in around -35 dB.
>>>>> In this modified version, you can hear that the sound
>>>>               is ok:
>>>>> import("stdfaust.lib");
>>>>> Tg = 0.4;
>>>>> zi = an.ms_envelope_rect(Tg);
>>>>> gain = hslider("Gain [unit:dB]",-10,-70,0,0.1) :
>>>>               ba.db2linear;
>>>>> sig = no.noise * gain;
>>>>> process = attach(sig, (sig : zi : ba.linear2db :
>>>>               *(0.5) : hbargraph("test",-70,0)));
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 12:59 AM Klaus Scheuermann
>>>>               <kla...@posteo.de <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I did some testing and
>>>>> an.ms_envelope_rect()
>>>>> seems to show some strange behaviour (at least to me).
>>>>               Here is a video
>>>>> of the test:
>>>>> https://cloud.4ohm.de/s/64caEPBqxXeRMt5
>>>>               <https://cloud.4ohm.de/s/64caEPBqxXeRMt5>
>>>>> The audio is white noise and the testing code is:
>>>>> import("stdfaust.lib");
>>>>> Tg = 0.4;
>>>>> zi = an.ms_envelope_rect(Tg);
>>>>> process = _ : zi : ba.linear2db : hbargraph("test",-95,0);
>>>>> Could you please verify?
>>>>> Thanks, Klaus
>>>>> On 05.07.21 20:16, Julius Smith wrote:
>>>>>> Hmmm, '!' means "block the signal", but attach
>>>>               should save the bargraph
>>>>>> from being optimized away as a result.  Maybe I
>>>>               misremembered the
>>>>>> argument order to attach?  While it's very simple in
>>>>               concept, it can be
>>>>>> confusing in practice.
>>>>>> I chose not to have a gate at all, but you can grab
>>>>               one from
>>>>>> misceffects.lib if you like.  Low volume should not
>>>>               give -infinity,
>>>>>> that's a bug, but zero should, and zero should
>>>>               become MIN as I mentioned
>>>>>> so -infinity should never happen.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Julius
>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 10:39 AM Klaus Scheuermann
>>>>               <kla...@posteo.de <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>
>>>>>> <mailto:kla...@posteo.de <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>>>
>>>>               wrote:
>>>>>>     Cheers Julius,
>>>>>>     At least I understood the 'attach' primitive now
>>>>               ;) Thanks.
>>>>>>     This does not show any meter here...
>>>>>>     process(x,y) = x,y <: (_,_), attach(x, (Lk2 :
>>>>               vbargraph("LUFS",-90,0)))
>>>>>>     : _,_,!;
>>>>>>     But this does for some reason (although the
>>>>               output is 3-channel then):
>>>>>>     process(x,y) = x,y <: (_,_), attach(x, (Lk2 :
>>>>               vbargraph("LUFS",-90,0)))
>>>>>>     : _,_,_;
>>>>>>     What does the '!' do?
>>>>>>     I still don't quite get the gating topic. In my
>>>>               understanding, the meter
>>>>>>     should hold the current value if the input
>>>>               signal drops below a
>>>>>>     threshold. In your version, the meter drops to
>>>>               -infinity when very low
>>>>>>     volume content is played.
>>>>>>     Which part of your code does the gating?
>>>>>>     Many thanks,
>>>>>>     Klaus
>>>>>>     On 05.07.21 18:06, Julius Smith wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Klaus,
>>>>>>> Yes, I agree the filters are close enough.  I
>>>>               bet that the shelf is
>>>>>>> exactly correct if we determined the exact
>>>>               transition frequency, and
>>>>>>> that the Butterworth highpass is close enough
>>>>               to the
>>>>>>     Bessel-or-whatever
>>>>>>> that is inexplicably not specified as a filter
>>>>               type, leaving it
>>>>>>> sample-rate dependent.  I would bet large odds
>>>>               that the differences
>>>>>>> cannot be reliably detected in listening tests.
>>>>>>> Yes, I just looked again, and there are
>>>>               "gating blocks" defined,
>>>>>>     each Tg
>>>>>>> = 0.4 sec long, so that only ungated blocks
>>>>               are averaged to form a
>>>>>>> longer term level-estimate.  What I wrote
>>>>               gives a "sliding gating
>>>>>>> block", which can be lowpass filtered further,
>>>>               and/or gated, etc. 
>>>>>>> Instead of a gate, I would simply replace 0 by
>>>>               ma.EPSILON so that the
>>>>>>> log always works (good for avoiding denormals
>>>>               as well).
>>>>>>> I believe stereo is supposed to be handled
>>>>               like this:
>>>>>>> Lk2 = _,0,_,0,0 : Lk5;
>>>>>>> process(x,y) = Lk2(x,y);
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> Lk2 = Lk(0),Lk(2) :> 10 * log10 : -(0.691);
>>>>>>> but since the center channel is processed
>>>>               identically to left
>>>>>>     and right,
>>>>>>> your solution also works.
>>>>>>> Bypassing is normal Faust, e.g.,
>>>>>>> process(x,y) = x,y <: (_,_), attach(x, (Lk2 :
>>>>>>     vbargraph("LUFS",-90,0)))
>>>>>>> : _,_,!;
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Julius
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 1:56 AM Klaus
>>>>               Scheuermann <kla...@posteo.de <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>
>>>>>>     <mailto:kla...@posteo.de <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>>
>>>>>>> <mailto:kla...@posteo.de
>>>>               <mailto:kla...@posteo.de> <mailto:kla...@posteo.de
>>>>               <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I can never resist these things!   Faust
>>>>               makes it too
>>>>>>     enjoyable :-)
>>>>>>>    Glad you can't ;)
>>>>>>>    I understood you approximate the filters
>>>>               with standard faust
>>>>>>     filters.
>>>>>>>    That is probably close enough for me :)
>>>>>>>    I also get the part with the sliding
>>>>               window envelope. If I
>>>>>>     wanted to
>>>>>>>    make the meter follow slowlier, I would
>>>>               just widen the window
>>>>>>     with Tg.
>>>>>>>    The 'gating' part I don't understand for
>>>>               lack of mathematical
>>>>>>     knowledge,
>>>>>>>    but I suppose it is meant differently.
>>>>               When the input signal
>>>>>>     falls below
>>>>>>>    the gate threshold, the meter should stay
>>>>               at the current
>>>>>>     value, not drop
>>>>>>>    to -infinity, right? This is so 'silent'
>>>>               parts are not taken into
>>>>>>>    account.
>>>>>>>    If I wanted to make a stereo version it
>>>>               would be something like
>>>>>>>    this, right?
>>>>>>>    Lk2 = par(i,2, Lk(i)) :> 10 * log10 :
>>>>               -(0.691);
>>>>>>>    process = _,_ : Lk2 : vbargraph("LUFS",-90,0);
>>>>>>>    Probably very easy, but how do I attach
>>>>               this to a stereo
>>>>>>     signal (passing
>>>>>>>    through the stereo signal)?
>>>>>>>    Thanks again!
>>>>>>>    Klaus
>>>>>>>> I made a pass, but there is a small
>>>>               scaling error.  I think
>>>>>>     it can be
>>>>>>>> fixed by reducing boostFreqHz until the
>>>>               sine_test is nailed.
>>>>>>>> The highpass is close (and not a source
>>>>               of the scale error),
>>>>>>     but I'm
>>>>>>>> using Butterworth instead of whatever
>>>>               they used.
>>>>>>>> I glossed over the discussion of
>>>>               "gating" in the spec, and
>>>>>>     may have
>>>>>>>> missed something important there, but
>>>>>>>> I simply tried to make a sliding
>>>>               rectangular window, instead
>>>>>>     of 75%
>>>>>>>> overlap, etc.
>>>>>>>> If useful, let me know and I'll propose
>>>>               it for analyzers.lib!
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Julius
>>>>>>>> import("stdfaust.lib");
>>>>>>>> // Highpass:
>>>>>>>> // At 48 kHz, this is the right highpass
>>>>               filter (maybe a
>>>>>>     Bessel or
>>>>>>>> Thiran filter?):
>>>>>>>> A48kHz = ( /* 1.0, */ -1.99004745483398,
>>>>               0.99007225036621);
>>>>>>>> B48kHz = (1.0, -2.0, 1.0);
>>>>>>>> highpass48kHz = fi.iir(B48kHz,A48kHz);
>>>>>>>> highpass = fi.highpass(2, 40); //
>>>>               Butterworth highpass:
>>>>>>     roll-off is a
>>>>>>>> little too sharp
>>>>>>>> // High Shelf:
>>>>>>>> boostDB = 4;
>>>>>>>> boostFreqHz = 1430; // a little too high
>>>>               - they should give
>>>>>>     us this!
>>>>>>>> highshelf = fi.high_shelf(boostDB,
>>>>               boostFreqHz); // Looks
>>>>>>     very close,
>>>>>>>> but 1 kHz gain has to be nailed
>>>>>>>> kfilter = highshelf : highpass;
>>>>>>>> // Power sum:
>>>>>>>> Tg = 0.4; // spec calls for 75% overlap
>>>>               of successive
>>>>>>     rectangular
>>>>>>>> windows - we're overlapping MUCH more
>>>>               (sliding window)
>>>>>>>> zi = an.ms_envelope_rect(Tg); // mean
>>>>               square: average power =
>>>>>>>    energy/Tg
>>>>>>>> = integral of squared signal / Tg
>>>>>>>> // Gain vector Gv = (GL,GR,GC,GLs,GRs):
>>>>>>>> N = 5;
>>>>>>>> Gv = (1, 1, 1, 1.41, 1.41); // left
>>>>               GL(-30deg), right GR
>>>>>>     (30), center
>>>>>>>> GC(0), left surround GLs(-110), right
>>>>               surr. GRs(110)
>>>>>>>> G(i) = *(ba.take(i+1,Gv));
>>>>>>>> Lk(i) = kfilter : zi : G(i); // one
>>>>               channel, before summing
>>>>>>     and before
>>>>>>>> taking dB and offsetting
>>>>>>>> LkDB(i) = Lk(i) : 10 * log10 : -(0.691);
>>>>               // Use this for a mono
>>>>>>>    input signal
>>>>>>>> // Five-channel surround input:
>>>>>>>> Lk5 = par(i,5,Lk(i)) :> 10 * log10 :
>>>>               -(0.691);
>>>>>>>> // sine_test = os.oscrs(1000); // should
>>>>               give –3.01 LKFS, with
>>>>>>>> GL=GR=GC=1 (0dB) and GLs=GRs=1.41 (~1.5 dB)
>>>>>>>> sine_test = os.osc(1000);
>>>>>>>> process = sine_test : LkDB(0); // should
>>>>               read -3.01 LKFS -
>>>>>>     high-shelf
>>>>>>>> gain at 1 kHz is critical
>>>>>>>> // process = 0,sine_test,0,0,0 : Lk5; //
>>>>               should read -3.01
>>>>>>     LKFS for
>>>>>>>> left, center, and right
>>>>>>>> // Highpass test: process = 1-1' <:
>>>>               highpass, highpass48kHz;
>>>>>>     // fft in
>>>>>>>> Octave
>>>>>>>> // High shelf test: process = 1-1' :
>>>>               highshelf; // fft in Octave
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 3, 2021 at 1:08 AM Klaus
>>>>               Scheuermann
>>>>>>     <kla...@posteo.de <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>
>>>>               <mailto:kla...@posteo.de <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>>
>>>>>>>    <mailto:kla...@posteo.de
>>>>               <mailto:kla...@posteo.de> <mailto:kla...@posteo.de
>>>>               <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>>>
>>>>>>>> <mailto:kla...@posteo.de
>>>>               <mailto:kla...@posteo.de> <mailto:kla...@posteo.de
>>>>               <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>>
>>>>>>     <mailto:kla...@posteo.de
>>>>               <mailto:kla...@posteo.de> <mailto:kla...@posteo.de
>>>>               <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>    Hello everyone :)
>>>>>>>>    Would someone be up for helping me
>>>>               implement an LUFS
>>>>>>     loudness
>>>>>>>    analyser
>>>>>>>>    in faust?
>>>>>>>>    Or has someone done it already?
>>>>>>>>    LUFS (aka LKFS) is becoming more and
>>>>               more the standard for
>>>>>>>    loudness
>>>>>>>>    measurement in the audio industry.
>>>>               Youtube, Spotify and
>>>>>>     broadcast
>>>>>>>>    stations use the concept to
>>>>               normalize loudness. A very
>>>>>>>    positive side
>>>>>>>>    effect is, that loudness-wars are
>>>>               basically over.
>>>>>>>>    I looked into it, but my programming
>>>>               skills clearly
>>>>>>     don't match
>>>>>>>>    the level for implementing this.
>>>>>>>>    Here is some resource about the topic:
>>>>>>>>    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>               <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>
>>>>>>     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>               <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>>
>>>>>>>    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>               <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>
>>>>>>     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>               <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>>>
>>>>>>>    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>               <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>
>>>>>>     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>               <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>>
>>>>>>>    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>               <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>
>>>>>>     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>               <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>>>>
>>>>>>>>    Specifications (in Annex 1):
>>>> https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf>
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf>>
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf>
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf>>>
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf>
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf>>
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf>
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>> <https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf>>>>
>>>>>>>>    An implementation by 'klangfreund'
>>>>               in JUCE / C:
>>>>                https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>               <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>
>>>>>>     <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>               <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>>
>>>>>>>    <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>               <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>
>>>>>>     <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>               <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>>>
>>>>                <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>               <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>
>>>>>>     <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>               <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>>
>>>>>>>    <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>               <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>
>>>>>>     <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>               <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>>>>
>>>>>>>>    There is also a free LUFS Meter in
>>>>               JS / Reaper by
>>>>>>     Geraint Luff.
>>>>>>>>    (The code can be seen in reaper, but
>>>>               I don't know if I
>>>>>>     should
>>>>>>>    paste it
>>>>>>>>    here.)
>>>>>>>>    Please let me know if you are up for it!
>>>>>>>>    Take care,
>>>>>>>>    Klaus
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> "Anybody who knows all about nothing
>>>>               knows everything" --
>>>>>>     Leonard
>>>>>>>    Susskind
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> "Anybody who knows all about nothing knows
>>>>               everything" -- Leonard
>>>>>>     Susskind
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> "Anybody who knows all about nothing knows
>>>>               everything" -- Leonard Susskind
>>>>> --
>>>>> "Anybody who knows all about nothing knows everything"
>>>>               -- Leonard Susskind
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Faudiostream-users mailing list
>>>>> Faudiostream-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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>>>>               _______________________________________________
>>>>               Faudiostream-users mailing list
>>>>               Faudiostream-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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>>>>       -- 
>>>>       "Anybody who knows all about nothing knows everything" --
>>>>       Leonard Susskind
>>>> -- 
>>>> "Anybody who knows all about nothing knows everything" -- Leonard Susskind
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Faudiostream-users mailing list
>>>> Faudiostream-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/faudiostream-users
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>>> Faudiostream-users mailing list
>>> Faudiostream-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/faudiostream-users
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> Faudiostream-users mailing list
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> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/faudiostream-users

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