On second thought, I don't see at the moment how anything can go wrong with

sliding_mean(durSamples) = (+ ~ _) - @(int(durSamples)) : /(durSamples);

Since there is no rounding involved, the cancellation has to be exact.  We
just have to ensure that the implementation does not subtract integrators
that keep going separately, i.e., there needs to be one summer in the
implementation (and the delay line of course).  This looks ok to me (but
I'm rushed so apologies if I overlook anything);

 float fVec0[131072]; // 2^17

for (int i0 = 0; (i0 < count); i0 = (i0 + 1)) {
  fRec0[0] = (float(input0[i0]) + fRec0[1]);
  fVec0[(IOTA & 131071)] = float(input1[i0]);
  output0[i0] = FAUSTFLOAT((fConst1 * (fRec0[0] - fVec0[((IOTA - iConst0) &
  fRec0[1] = fRec0[0];
  IOTA = (IOTA + 1);

On Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 11:24 AM Julius Smith <julius.sm...@gmail.com>

> The obvious conclusion, of course, is to work out the ping-ponged
> truncated integrators, for measurements this long.  We just need two 0.4s
> mean calculators that alternate.  I'm sure I'll work it out sometime soon
> if nobody beats me to it.  I imagine a square wave, select2, the
> sliding-mean unit, a state-clearing mechanism, etc.  Gotta do it in the
> cracks of the day, however... it'll be fun!
> On Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 11:08 AM Julius Smith <julius.sm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Actually, the pattern we want kicks in at durSamples = 32
>> (circular-buffer delay line).
>> On Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 10:53 AM Julius Smith <julius.sm...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> > I'm not sure I understand what you mean by allocating a delay line for
>>> the sliding mean, but I'll look into it.
>>> Here's an example implementation in Faust.  The "small test" allocates a
>>> length 8 delay line.
>>> The full test takes too long to compile, but you can see the pattern, so
>>> it's easy to just write it.
>>> import("stdfaust.lib");
>>> // Small test:
>>> durSamples = 8;
>>> DUR_SAMPLES_MAX = durSamples*2;
>>> // What we really need (but takes a LONG time to compile):
>>> // DUR_SAMPLES_MAX = 2^16;
>>> // durSamples = int(0.5 + 0.4 * ma.SR);
>>> sliding_mean(durSamples) = _ <:
>>> par(i,DUR_SAMPLES_MAX,ba.if(i<durSamples,@(i),0)) :> /(durSamples);
>>> process = sliding_mean(durSamples);
>>> On Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 1:12 AM Dario Sanfilippo <
>>> sanfilippo.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Julius, thanks for putting it nicely. :)
>>>> I'm not sure I understand what you mean by allocating a delay line for
>>>> the sliding mean, but I'll look into it.
>>>> A quick improvement to the slidingMean function could be to put the
>>>> integrator after the difference. With a sliding window of .4 sec at 48 kHz,
>>>> we should have about 60 dBs of dynamic range when feeding a full-amp
>>>> constant. It should be even better with close-to-zero-mean signals.
>>>> import("stdfaust.lib");
>>>> slidingSum(n) = _ <: _, _@int(max(0,n)) : - : fi.pole(1);
>>>> slidingMean(n) = slidingSum(n)/rint(n);
>>>> t=.4;
>>>> process = ba.if(ba.time < ma.SR * 1, 1.0, .001) <: slidingMean(t*ma.SR)
>>>> , ba.slidingMean(t*ma.SR) : ba.linear2db , ba.linear2db;
>>>> Ciao,
>>>> Dr Dario Sanfilippo
>>>> http://dariosanfilippo.com
>>>> On Sat, 10 Jul 2021 at 00:27, Julius Smith <julius.sm...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dario,
>>>>> Ok, I see what you're after now.  (I was considering only the VU meter
>>>>> display issue up to now.)
>>>>> There's only 23 bits of mantissa in 32-bit floating point, and your
>>>>> test counts up to ~100k, which soaks up about 17 bits, and then you hit it
>>>>> with ~1/1024, or 2^(-10), which is then a dynamic range swing of 27 bits.
>>>>> We can't add numbers separated by 27 bits of dynamic level using a 
>>>>> mantissa
>>>>> (or integer) smaller than 27 bits.  Yes, double precision will fix that
>>>>> (52-bit mantissas), but even TIIR methods can't solve this problem.  When
>>>>> adding x and y, the wordlength must be on the order of at least
>>>>> |log2(|x|/|y|)|.
>>>>> The situation is not so dire with a noise input, since it should be
>>>>> zero mean (and if not, a dcblocker will fix it).  However, the variance of
>>>>> integrated squared white noise does grow linearly, so TIIR methods are
>>>>> needed for anything long term, and double-precision allows the TIIR resets
>>>>> to be much farther separated, and maybe not even needed in a given
>>>>> application.
>>>>> Note, by the way (Hey Klaus!), we can simply allocate a 0.4 second
>>>>> delay line for the sliding mean and be done with all this recursive-filter
>>>>> dynamic range management.  It can be a pain, but it also can be managed.
>>>>> That said, 0.4 seconds at 96 kHz is around 15 bits worth
>>>>> (log2(0.4*96000)=15.2), so single-precision seems to me like enough for a
>>>>> simple level meter (e.g., having a 3-digit display), given a TIIR reset
>>>>> every 0.4 seconds.  Since this works out so neatly, I wouldn't be 
>>>>> surprised
>>>>> if 0.4 seconds was chosen for the gated-measurement duration for that
>>>>> reason.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Julius
>>>>> On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 1:54 PM Dario Sanfilippo <
>>>>> sanfilippo.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks, Julius.
>>>>>> So it appears that the issue I was referring to is in that
>>>>>> architecture too.
>>>>>> To isolate the problem with ba.slidingMean, we can see that we also
>>>>>> get 0 when transitioning from a constant input of 1 to .001 (see code
>>>>>> below). Double-precision solves the issue. Perhaps we could advise using 
>>>>>> DP
>>>>>> for this function and the others involving it.
>>>>>> Ciao,
>>>>>> Dario
>>>>>> import("stdfaust.lib");
>>>>>> lp1p(cf, x) = fi.pole(b, x * (1 - b))
>>>>>> with {
>>>>>> b = exp(-2 * ma.PI * cf / ma.SR);
>>>>>> };
>>>>>> sig = ba.if(ba.time > ma.SR * 2, .001, 1.0);
>>>>>> t = .4;
>>>>>> process = sig <: ba.slidingMean(t * ma.SR) , lp1p(1.0 / t) , ba.time;
>>>>>> On Fri, 9 Jul 2021 at 22:40, Julius Smith <julius.sm...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I get the zero but not the other:
>>>>>>> octave:2> format long
>>>>>>> octave:3> faustout(115200,:)
>>>>>>> ans =
>>>>>>>                        0  -2.738748490000000e-02
>>>>>>> 5.555857930000000e-05
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 1:03 PM Dario Sanfilippo <
>>>>>>> sanfilippo.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks, Julius.
>>>>>>>> I don't have Octave installed, and I can't see it myself, sorry; if
>>>>>>>> you can inspect the generated values, can you also see if at sample 
>>>>>>>> #115200
>>>>>>>> (48 kHz SR) you get 0 for ms_rec, and, 0.000658808684 for the lowpass?
>>>>>>>> Yes, I might have done something wrong, but the leaky integrator
>>>>>>>> doesn't work well.
>>>>>>>> Ciao,
>>>>>>>> Dario
>>>>>>>> On Fri, 9 Jul 2021 at 21:49, Julius Smith <julius.sm...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Here is a longer run that shows Dario's latest test more
>>>>>>>>> completely.   I don't think zi_leaky looks right at the end, but the 
>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>> two look reasonable to me.
>>>>>>>>> Here is the Octave magic for the plot:
>>>>>>>>>     plot(faustout,'linewidth',2);
>>>>>>>>>     legend('zi','zi\_leaky','zi\_lp','location','southeast');
>>>>>>>>>     grid;
>>>>>>>>> I had to edit faust2octave to change the process duration, it's
>>>>>>>>> hardwired.  Length option needed!  (Right now no options can take an
>>>>>>>>> argument.)
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> - Julius
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 12:01 PM Julius Smith <
>>>>>>>>> julius.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dario,
>>>>>>>>>> I tried your latest test and it looks plausible in faust2octave
>>>>>>>>>> (see plot attached).
>>>>>>>>>> TIIR filters present a nice, juicy Faust puzzle :-)
>>>>>>>>>> I thought about a TIIR sliding average, but haven't implemented
>>>>>>>>>> anything yet.
>>>>>>>>>> You basically want to switch between two moving-average filters,
>>>>>>>>>> clearing the state of the unused one, and bringing it back to steady 
>>>>>>>>>> state
>>>>>>>>>> before switching it back in.
>>>>>>>>>> In the case of an.ms_envelope_rect, the switching period can be
>>>>>>>>>> anything greater than the rectangular-window length (which is the 
>>>>>>>>>> "warm up
>>>>>>>>>> time" of the moving-average filter).
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> - Julius
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 10:49 AM Dario Sanfilippo <
>>>>>>>>>> sanfilippo.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Julius, I just pulled and installed Faust 2.33.0.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm running the test below on caqt and csvplot and I see the
>>>>>>>>>>> same problem: when large inputs are fed in an.ms_envelope_rect,
>>>>>>>>>>> small inputs are truncated to zero afterwards.
>>>>>>>>>>> import("stdfaust.lib");
>>>>>>>>>>> zi = an.ms_envelope_rect(Tg);
>>>>>>>>>>> slidingSum(n) = fi.pole(.999999) <: _, _@int(max(0,n)) :> -;
>>>>>>>>>>> slidingMean(n) = slidingSum(n)/rint(n);
>>>>>>>>>>> zi_leaky(x) = slidingMean(Tg*ma.SR, x * x);
>>>>>>>>>>> lp1p(cf, x) = fi.pole(b, x * (1 - b))
>>>>>>>>>>> with {
>>>>>>>>>>> b = exp(-2 * ma.PI * cf / ma.SR);
>>>>>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>>>>>> zi_lp(x) = lp1p(1 / Tg, x * x);
>>>>>>>>>>> Tg = 0.4;
>>>>>>>>>>> sig = no.noise * ba.if(ba.time > ma.SR * 2, .01, 1.0);
>>>>>>>>>>> process = sig <: zi , zi_leaky , zi_lp , ba.time;
>>>>>>>>>>> I'll look into TIIR filters or have you already implemented
>>>>>>>>>>> those in Faust?
>>>>>>>>>>> Ciao,
>>>>>>>>>>> Dr Dario Sanfilippo
>>>>>>>>>>> http://dariosanfilippo.com
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 8 Jul 2021 at 19:19, Julius Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>> julius.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dario,
>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem seems to be architecture-dependent.  I am on a Mac
>>>>>>>>>>>> (latest non-beta software) using faust2caqt.  What are you using?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not see the "strange behavior" you describe.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Your test looks good for me in faust2octave, with gain set to
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.01 (-40 dB, which triggers the display bug on my system).  In 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Octave,
>>>>>>>>>>>>  faustout(end,:) shows
>>>>>>>>>>>>  -44.744  -44.968  -44.708
>>>>>>>>>>>> which at first glance seems close enough for noise input and
>>>>>>>>>>>> slightly different averaging windows.  Changing the signal to a 
>>>>>>>>>>>> constant
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.01, I get
>>>>>>>>>>>>  -39.994  -40.225  -40.000
>>>>>>>>>>>> which is not too bad, but which should probably be sharpened
>>>>>>>>>>>> up.  The third value (zi_lp) is right on, of course.
>>>>>>>>>>>> gain = 0.01; // hslider("Gain [unit:dB]",-70,-70,0,0.1) :
>>>>>>>>>>>> ba.db2linear;
>>>>>>>>>>>> sig = gain;  //sig = no.noise * gain;
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 3:53 AM Dario Sanfilippo <
>>>>>>>>>>>> sanfilippo.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, Julius.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I must be missing something, but I couldn't see the behaviour
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that you described, that is, the gating behaviour happening only 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> display and not for the output.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a remove the hbargraph altogether, I can still see the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> strange behaviour. Just so we're all on the same page, the strange
>>>>>>>>>>>>> behaviour we're referring to is the fact that, after going back 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to low
>>>>>>>>>>>>> input gains, the displayed levels are -inf instead of some low,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> quantifiable ones, right?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Using a leaky integrator makes the calculations rather
>>>>>>>>>>>>> inaccurate. I'd say that, if one needs to use single-precision, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> averaging
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a one-pole lowpass would be best:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> import("stdfaust.lib");
>>>>>>>>>>>>> zi = an.ms_envelope_rect(Tg);
>>>>>>>>>>>>> slidingSum(n) = fi.pole(.999999) <: _, _@int(max(0,n)) :> -;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> slidingMean(n) = slidingSum(n)/rint(n);
>>>>>>>>>>>>> zi_leaky(x) = slidingMean(Tg*ma.SR, x * x);
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lp1p(cf, x) = fi.pole(b, x * (1 - b))
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with {
>>>>>>>>>>>>> b = exp(-2 * ma.PI * cf / ma.SR);
>>>>>>>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>>>>>>>> zi_lp(x) = lp1p(1 / Tg, x * x);
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tg = 0.4;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sig = no.noise * gain;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gain = hslider("Gain [unit:dB]",-70,-70,0,0.1) : ba.db2linear;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> level = ba.linear2db : *(0.5);
>>>>>>>>>>>>> process = sig <: level(zi) , level(zi_leaky) , level(zi_lp);
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ciao,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dr Dario Sanfilippo
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://dariosanfilippo.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 8 Jul 2021 at 00:39, Julius Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> julius.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I think that the problem is in an.ms_envelope_rect,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particularly the fact that it has a non-leaky integrator. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assume that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when large values recirculate in the integrator, the smaller 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones, after
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pushing the gain down, are truncated to 0 due to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> single-precision. As a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matter of fact, compiling the code in double precision looks 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just took a look and see that it's essentially based on + ~
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _ : (_ - @(rectWindowLenthSamples))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This will indeed suffer from a growing roundoff error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> variance over time (typically linear growth).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, I do not see any noticeable effects of this in my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> testing thus far.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To address this properly, we should be using TIIR filtering
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> principles ("Truncated IIR"), in which two such units pingpong 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alternately reset.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alternatively, a small exponential decay can be added: + ~
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *(0.999999) ... etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Julius
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 12:32 PM Dario Sanfilippo <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sanfilippo.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think that the problem is in an.ms_envelope_rect,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particularly the fact that it has a non-leaky integrator. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assume that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when large values recirculate in the integrator, the smaller 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones, after
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pushing the gain down, are truncated to 0 due to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> single-precision. As a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matter of fact, compiling the code in double precision looks 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ciao,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dr Dario Sanfilippo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://dariosanfilippo.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 7 Jul 2021 at 19:25, Stéphane Letz <l...@grame.fr>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> « hargraph seems to have some kind of a gate in it that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kicks in around -35 dB. » humm…. hargraph/vbargrah only keep 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the last value
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of their written FAUSTFLOAT* zone, so once per block, without 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> processing of course…
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have you looked at the produce C++ code?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stéphane
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Le 7 juil. 2021 à 18:31, Julius Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> julius.sm...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > That is strange - hbargraph seems to have some kind of a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gate in it that kicks in around -35 dB.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > In this modified version, you can hear that the sound is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > import("stdfaust.lib");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Tg = 0.4;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > zi = an.ms_envelope_rect(Tg);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > gain = hslider("Gain [unit:dB]",-10,-70,0,0.1) :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ba.db2linear;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > sig = no.noise * gain;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > process = attach(sig, (sig : zi : ba.linear2db : *(0.5) :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hbargraph("test",-70,0)));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 12:59 AM Klaus Scheuermann <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kla...@posteo.de> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I did some testing and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > an.ms_envelope_rect()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > seems to show some strange behaviour (at least to me).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is a video
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > of the test:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > https://cloud.4ohm.de/s/64caEPBqxXeRMt5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > The audio is white noise and the testing code is:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > import("stdfaust.lib");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Tg = 0.4;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > zi = an.ms_envelope_rect(Tg);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > process = _ : zi : ba.linear2db : hbargraph("test",-95,0);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Could you please verify?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Thanks, Klaus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > On 05.07.21 20:16, Julius Smith wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > Hmmm, '!' means "block the signal", but attach should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> save the bargraph
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > from being optimized away as a result.  Maybe I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> misremembered the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > argument order to attach?  While it's very simple in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concept, it can be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > confusing in practice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > I chose not to have a gate at all, but you can grab one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > misceffects.lib if you like.  Low volume should not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give -infinity,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > that's a bug, but zero should, and zero should become
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MIN as I mentioned
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > so -infinity should never happen.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > Julius
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 10:39 AM Klaus Scheuermann <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kla...@posteo.de
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     Cheers Julius,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     At least I understood the 'attach' primitive now ;)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     This does not show any meter here...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     process(x,y) = x,y <: (_,_), attach(x, (Lk2 :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vbargraph("LUFS",-90,0)))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     : _,_,!;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     But this does for some reason (although the output
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is 3-channel then):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     process(x,y) = x,y <: (_,_), attach(x, (Lk2 :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vbargraph("LUFS",-90,0)))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     : _,_,_;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     What does the '!' do?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     I still don't quite get the gating topic. In my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understanding, the meter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     should hold the current value if the input signal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drops below a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     threshold. In your version, the meter drops to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -infinity when very low
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     volume content is played.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     Which part of your code does the gating?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     Many thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     Klaus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     On 05.07.21 18:06, Julius Smith wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > Hi Klaus,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > Yes, I agree the filters are close enough.  I bet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the shelf is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > exactly correct if we determined the exact
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transition frequency, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > that the Butterworth highpass is close enough to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     Bessel-or-whatever
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > that is inexplicably not specified as a filter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type, leaving it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > sample-rate dependent.  I would bet large odds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the differences
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > cannot be reliably detected in listening tests.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > Yes, I just looked again, and there are "gating
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blocks" defined,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     each Tg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > = 0.4 sec long, so that only ungated blocks are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> averaged to form a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > longer term level-estimate.  What I wrote gives a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "sliding gating
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > block", which can be lowpass filtered further,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and/or gated, etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > Instead of a gate, I would simply replace 0 by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ma.EPSILON so that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > log always works (good for avoiding denormals as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > I believe stereo is supposed to be handled like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > Lk2 = _,0,_,0,0 : Lk5;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > process(x,y) = Lk2(x,y);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > Lk2 = Lk(0),Lk(2) :> 10 * log10 : -(0.691);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > but since the center channel is processed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> identically to left
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     and right,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > your solution also works.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > Bypassing is normal Faust, e.g.,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > process(x,y) = x,y <: (_,_), attach(x, (Lk2 :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     vbargraph("LUFS",-90,0)))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > : _,_,!;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > Julius
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 1:56 AM Klaus Scheuermann <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kla...@posteo.de
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     > <mailto:kla...@posteo.de <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > I can never resist these things!   Faust
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> makes it too
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     enjoyable :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     Glad you can't ;)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     I understood you approximate the filters with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> standard faust
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     filters.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     That is probably close enough for me :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     I also get the part with the sliding window
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> envelope. If I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     wanted to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     make the meter follow slowlier, I would just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> widen the window
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     with Tg.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     The 'gating' part I don't understand for lack
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of mathematical
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     knowledge,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     but I suppose it is meant differently. When
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the input signal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     falls below
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     the gate threshold, the meter should stay at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the current
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     value, not drop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     to -infinity, right? This is so 'silent'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parts are not taken into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     account.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     If I wanted to make a stereo version it would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be something like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     this, right?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     Lk2 = par(i,2, Lk(i)) :> 10 * log10 :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -(0.691);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     process = _,_ : Lk2 : vbargraph("LUFS",-90,0);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     Probably very easy, but how do I attach this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to a stereo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     signal (passing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     through the stereo signal)?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     Thanks again!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     Klaus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > I made a pass, but there is a small scaling
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error.  I think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     it can be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > fixed by reducing boostFreqHz until the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sine_test is nailed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > The highpass is close (and not a source of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the scale error),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     but I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > using Butterworth instead of whatever they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > I glossed over the discussion of "gating"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the spec, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     may have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > missed something important there, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > I simply tried to make a sliding
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rectangular window, instead
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     of 75%
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > overlap, etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > If useful, let me know and I'll propose it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for analyzers.lib!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > Julius
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > import("stdfaust.lib");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > // Highpass:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > // At 48 kHz, this is the right highpass
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filter (maybe a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     Bessel or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > Thiran filter?):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > A48kHz = ( /* 1.0, */ -1.99004745483398,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.99007225036621);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > B48kHz = (1.0, -2.0, 1.0);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > highpass48kHz = fi.iir(B48kHz,A48kHz);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > highpass = fi.highpass(2, 40); //
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Butterworth highpass:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     roll-off is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > little too sharp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > // High Shelf:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > boostDB = 4;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > boostFreqHz = 1430; // a little too high -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they should give
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     us this!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > highshelf = fi.high_shelf(boostDB,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boostFreqHz); // Looks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     very close,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > but 1 kHz gain has to be nailed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > kfilter = highshelf : highpass;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > // Power sum:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > Tg = 0.4; // spec calls for 75% overlap of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> successive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     rectangular
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > windows - we're overlapping MUCH more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (sliding window)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > zi = an.ms_envelope_rect(Tg); // mean
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> square: average power =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     energy/Tg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > = integral of squared signal / Tg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > // Gain vector Gv = (GL,GR,GC,GLs,GRs):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > N = 5;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > Gv = (1, 1, 1, 1.41, 1.41); // left
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL(-30deg), right GR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     (30), center
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > GC(0), left surround GLs(-110), right surr.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GRs(110)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > G(i) = *(ba.take(i+1,Gv));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > Lk(i) = kfilter : zi : G(i); // one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> channel, before summing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     and before
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > taking dB and offsetting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > LkDB(i) = Lk(i) : 10 * log10 : -(0.691); //
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Use this for a mono
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     input signal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > // Five-channel surround input:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > Lk5 = par(i,5,Lk(i)) :> 10 * log10 :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -(0.691);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > // sine_test = os.oscrs(1000); // should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give –3.01 LKFS, with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > GL=GR=GC=1 (0dB) and GLs=GRs=1.41 (~1.5 dB)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > sine_test = os.osc(1000);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > process = sine_test : LkDB(0); // should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> read -3.01 LKFS -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     high-shelf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > gain at 1 kHz is critical
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > // process = 0,sine_test,0,0,0 : Lk5; //
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should read -3.01
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     LKFS for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > left, center, and right
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > // Highpass test: process = 1-1' <:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> highpass, highpass48kHz;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     // fft in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > Octave
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > // High shelf test: process = 1-1' :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> highshelf; // fft in Octave
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > On Sat, Jul 3, 2021 at 1:08 AM Klaus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scheuermann
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <kla...@posteo.de <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     <mailto:kla...@posteo.de <mailto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kla...@posteo.de>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     > <mailto:kla...@posteo.de <mailto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kla...@posteo.de>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <mailto:kla...@posteo.de <mailto:kla...@posteo.de>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     Hello everyone :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     Would someone be up for helping me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implement an LUFS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     loudness
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     analyser
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     in faust?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     Or has someone done it already?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     LUFS (aka LKFS) is becoming more and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more the standard for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     loudness
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     measurement in the audio industry.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Youtube, Spotify and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     broadcast
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     stations use the concept to normalize
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loudness. A very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     positive side
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     effect is, that loudness-wars are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> basically over.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     I looked into it, but my programming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skills clearly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     don't match
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     the level for implementing this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     Here is some resource about the topic:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LKFS>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     Specifications (in Annex 1):
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >      <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >       <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >      <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-3-201208-S!!PDF-E.pdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     An implementation by 'klangfreund' in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JUCE / C:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     <https://github.com/klangfreund/LUFSMeter>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     There is also a free LUFS Meter in JS /
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reaper by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     Geraint Luff.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     (The code can be seen in reaper, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't know if I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     paste it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     here.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     Please let me know if you are up for it!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     Take care,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >     Klaus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >     >     >
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> "Anybody who knows all about nothing knows everything" -- Leonard Susskind

"Anybody who knows all about nothing knows everything" -- Leonard Susskind
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