The Gowers report contains some recommended measures regarding enforcement of
copyright that should cause concern, but it also has some wonderful new
proposals for "Flexibility" in copyright that I personally think are very good
news for artists.

The Executive Summary on page 11 lists:

*Recommendation 8: A private copying exception for format shifting.

This means that people won't be put off buying your work because they aren't
allowed to rip it to their media players. Currently it is illegal to rip music
to an iPod in the UK.

*Recommendation 9: A private copying exception for research.

This is good for people undertaking research outside of an academic context.
Copying for research in a commercial context was recently removed from Fair
Dealing, making mood boards illegal unless you tear up your books.

*Recommendation 11: An exception for transformative works.

This sounds like Transformative Fair Use: "transformative or derivative works,
within the parameters of the Berne Three Step Test." This is the measure I
would most like to see adopted. See: for the Three Step Test.

*Recommendation 12: An exception for caricature, parody or pastiche.

We don't currently have a parody right in the UK, unlike the US, although many
people who have got their understanding of copyright law from US web sites and
books assume that we do. Parody, pastiche and transformative use together cover
much of Fair Use for artists.

*Recommendation 13: A provision for orphan works.

Or at least propose one to the European Commission. So if you don't set up your
estate to handle your work properly after your death it won't be lost, and if
you wish to capitalize on work whose rightsholder has disappeared you don't run
the risk of suddenly getting sued.

We need to start lobbying the government *now* to make sure that these measures
become official policy. How can we best do this?

- Rob.

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