> On 12/7/06, Tim Cowlishaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 12/7/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > We need to start lobbying the government *now* to make sure that these
>> measures
>> > become official policy. How can we best do this?
>> Time to write to MPs, I think. If there's a few of us based in one
>> constituency, it might be worth setting up a meeting and going down to
>> Westminster. Anyone else in Islington North (Emily Thornberry - Lab)?

An additional angle would be to get artists, archivists, etc. who support
the recommendations to make as much noise as possible supporting them.
Some kind of media-friendly stunt with some press work, an op-ed or letter
in a leading broadsheet (esp. the FT), an open letter sent out to all MPs,
that sort of thing.

The media may be more open to our arguments at the moment, and given that
the coverage in the past has been *very* biased in favour of poor old
Cliff & co. it would be great to get something substantial in outlets that
ministers pay attention to (i.e. *the FT*, Times, Guardian and to a lesser
extent the New Statesmans of the world).

I suspect that some media attention like that would have a bigger impact
than a few of us poking our MPs. Then again if ORG could leverage their
min-campaign and contacts to get a mass letter writing action across the
UK... Oh, and also target Labour MPs who have influence with the
responsible ministers, not that I know who they would be. Anyone?

>> For those more experienced in lobbying than me, is it acceptable to
>> write a letter covering more than one issue, or is it best to write on
>> each issue seperately. I've currently got letters to my MP concerning
>> both Gowers and the Early Day Motion on Free Software in Education on
>> my to-do list....

Probably more effective to keep them separate. I've found that MPs
struggle to address your points at the best of times ;-)


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