
I've not done anything active with FC-UK for quite a while. I seem to recall 
that we were planning to have an AGM last weekend, which never happened. 
Nobody else has been active at all for months, so far as I can tell.

I'm now too busy with my job [1], being the Green Party Speaker on IP and Free 
Software [2], and soliciting essay contributions for the Free Culture 
Foundation [3] to really do anything more on free culture anyway.

Given the circumstances I think now is a good time to bow out. But I would 
also suggest that we formally fold FC-UK, redirecting people's energy and 
projects into organisations with more momentum such as ORG (copyright 
extensions -> Release the Music), the OKFN (PD Burn is joint already), the 
FSF (DRM -> Defective by Design), iCommons (for CC work), the FCF (where Rob 
and I intend to take our free culture 4 students work), Libre Society (for 
discussions & debates) and so on.

As for local groups, RAVE (in Reading) are happily steaming along with 
workshops and a big festival planned for this summer, and can collaborate 
with other free culture groups through iCommons. How are the groups in Dundee 
and London?

I'd suggest that anyone who still wants to work on free culture has a look at 
the other organisations in the area. If people still want to do something 
with FC-UK then identifying an area of work that is feasible, and that you're 
willing to put sufficient time, energy and money into, is the way forward. 
Otherwise it would be best to put up a placeholder on the domain pointing 
people away, and encourage people to migrate to other mailing lists.

It's been fun :)

Kind regards,

[1] http://www.bioregional.com
[2] http://tom.acrewoods.net/node/501
[3] http://www.freeculturefoundation.org
The struggle against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting
 - Kundera

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