Tom Chance wrote:

> Given the circumstances I think now is a good time to bow out. But I would 
> also suggest that we formally fold FC-UK, redirecting people's energy and 
> projects into organisations with more momentum such as ORG (copyright 
> extensions -> Release the Music), the OKFN (PD Burn is joint already), the 
> FSF (DRM -> Defective by Design), iCommons (for CC work), the FCF (where Rob 
> and I intend to take our free culture 4 students work), Libre Society (for 
> discussions & debates) and so on.

It seems an odd idea to expect that when someone leaves an organisation
that organisation then closes. I thought at one point people here were
quite convinced that there were actually differences of principle
between FC-UK and ORG or CC, however much they might be able to
collaborate in practice. Maybe I misunderstood other peoples point of
view, since I expected howls of protest at this which aren't arriving,
but I personally still feel there's a place for a *free* culture
organisation which is separate from individual campaigns. Am I the only one?


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