Aaah, one final thing....

I've added 'unless' to the sentance 'But unless the use of Free/Open Source software is specified...' presulably this is what was meant?

many thanks,


On 23 Mar 2007, at 15:19, Becky Hogge wrote:

Great, thanks Rufus.

Since you represent both FC-UK and OKFN, I'm happy to send this off as
you suggest. If anyone else would like to comment I'll give you the
next 45 mins (so, until 4pm), and then start formatting this of to


On 23/03/07, Rufus Pollock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Becky Hogge wrote:
> Hi all
> I've put my draft up on the wiki
> http://www.openrightsgroup.org/orgwiki/index.php/ Ofcom_PSP_Consultation_March_2007#Draft_Response

Great work Becky, that's a really nice synthesis and I think it looks
good to go (the only change I've made is a tiny one to the first paragraph).


Becky Hogge

Executive Director, The Open Rights Group
AIM: orgbeckyorg
Skype: becky_hogge
Timezone: GMT

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