
Should have prodded you guys earlier really, so sorry for late notice,
but here's a belated invitation to participate in our new London
Development Agency research / educational project. No doubt we're
contrary to some fc principles, but there's still plenty of interest
and we'd love to get your input.

Our focus is on business models and artists producing IP, who give
away - gratis - some of their product, whether under an open license
or otherwise. So we're talking about authors publishing books under
Creative Commons and in print, musicians offering both free and
pay-for music, or software developers using APIs. But its still pretty
loose - we don't yet have hard boundaries and are kind of in survey
mode this month.

If you know of or are directly involved in a similar project, please
drop an email to creativebusiness at openrightsgroup dot org.
Alternatively, click to our new blog and wiki where we're asking for
help in gathering research materials. The project will run until
March, with the aim of producing cc-licensed educational materials for
remix and re-use. We'll present the work at 3 separate sessions, for
which you can indicate interest on the wiki.

    * Wiki: http://www.openrightsgroup.org/creativebusiness/
    * Blog: http://www.openrightsgroup.org/creativebusiness/blog/
    * Twitter stream: http://twitter.com/creativebiz
    * Delicious tag: http://del.icio.us/tag/org-cbde (tag your
articles with org-cbde)
    * Email us: creativebusiness (at) openrightsgroup dot org

Thanks and bests and hope to hear back.

Michael Holloway

Operations Manager, The Open Rights Group
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7096 1079 / +44 (0) 7974 566 823
Skype: mhholloway
Web: http://www.openrightsgroup.org
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7070 7011
Office: 7th floor, 100 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8AL, UK

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