On Sun, 12/11/06, Andrea Cimitan wrote:

> Il giorno Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:58:01 +0000
> Leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
>> On Sun, 12/11/06, Máirín Duffy wrote:
>> > Leo wrote:
>> >> The engine will make sure themes based on it will render well. Try
>> >> searching 'murrin' in gnome-look you will get tons of them.
>> >
>> > I realize that. My point is that most theme engines include an
>> > actual theme with them. Murrine at least is the first I have
>> > encountered that does not. It makes installing it and trying to use
>> > it pretty confusing.
>> >
>> > ~m
>> I have repackaged the RPMs for both FC5 and FC6 with three most
>> popular themes from gnome-look and have submitted theme to Cimi.
> 3 things:
> 1) Murrine 0.31 is just out :D


> 2) If you have a webspace I can just make a link from my website to
> yours, since it is simpler to mantain the packages until someone add
> murrine to the repository
> 3) I can't package murrine for fedora since at the moment I have no
> fedora installations here :(



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