----- Original Message ----
> From: Martin Sourada <martin.sour...@gmail.com>
> Hrm, is there any point in subscribing myself, or should I just wait
> until you transfer my subscription?

Noppers, I'll handle the subscriptions so no need to do anything except 
potentially update your server and/or client side mail filtering to account for 
the change.

> I've been there a few times, but since most conversations seem to happen
> on #fedora-art... Well, at least I have it in my favourited rooms in
> empathy.

I'm hoping if more folks lurk in there more stuff will happen in there :) 

> Whoa, this one is probably the best of all the changes :-)
> Just our of curiosity: what is our disk quota there?

Hehe, I don't know but I already hit it and Seth had to up us again.



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