On 05/15/2009 10:24 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:

Hi folks,

As discussed some time ago [1], we are going to rebrand ourselves as the Fedora 
Design team rather than the Fedora Art team, both in hopes of attracting more 
UX designers, and also since it's a more accurate representation of the team so 
folks needing help with UI design will know where to go. Well, for roundabout 
reasons (getting fed up with our limited ability to collaborate on files, more 
later in this email) I finally got around to starting this process.


We have a new mailing list, now hosted on Fedora's infrastructure:


Unless there are any objections, I'm going to migrate all subscribers of 
fedora-art-list to the new design-team list and unsubscribe them from the old 
art list. I am not sure if there is a better approach. What do you think? I can 
also try to have a redirect put into place so mails to 
fedora-art-list@redhat.com are forwarded to 
design-t...@lists.fedoraproject.org. Additionally, I plan to add some 
information on the old fedora-art-list list info page to redirect users to the 
design-team list info page.

This looks like a good plan.


I started a new wiki page under /Design a long time ago, but we'll have to 
populate it with details about our team and such. It's pretty bare right now:


Yeah, we could start with adding a banner, create categories for navigation and such.


We've had #fedora-design open for a while in freenode, but only a few of us 
have been in there, please join us in there if you like!

Been there for a while...


We also have a new account group in the Fedora Account system: 'designteam.' I 
am not sure the best way to proceed populating this group. We could add all 
users in the art group now to the design group, or we could take the 
opportunity to filter out inactive members. The reason a new account group was 
created is the final and I think the most exciting piece of news here.

I am for the opportunity of filtering inactive members: the number of group members is huge but very few are active contributors.


Seth Vidal set up a shared directory for us on fedorapeople.org:


I've started populating it with a lot of the Fedora art and design work I have on 
my systems. Here's the really cool thing about this: If you go to Places on your 
gnome-panel, and click on 'Connect to server...' and connect to fedorapeople.org, 
putting in directory: /srv/groups/designteam, then you can open up a nautilus 
window to browse and drag&  drop files to and from this shared directory. This 
means rather than painfully uploading your work file-by-file to the wiki, you can 
just drag and drop files in batches to the shared directory and link to the top 
level or individual files from the wiki.

I think in time we will figure out some ways to make best use of this shared space.

To be able to mount the directory read/write for the drag&  drop access though, 
you'll need to be added to the design-team group in FAS. Since we are not sure yet 
what our policy will be for migrating from the old art FAS group to the new design 
team group, I can add folks one-off individually to the design team group if you 
contact me or Nicu. I'll only add people who request membership to the design-team 
group who are already in the art group to be fair.

As said above, I am for manual migration of users to the new group.

As we don't have versioning, history or a self-made backup, edit notifications and such, should we tighten the rules for membership in this group? (we are a "rm -rf" away from massive data loss).

I am hoping folks will use the shared directory rather than their private 
fedora people spaces to upload and share their files. This way, other folks on 
the design team can collaborate and upload their improvements and remixes to 
the same place so we don't have files for the same project all over the place. 
It should also make it easier not just to upload lots of files, but also to 
download them in batches.

Still thinking about the directory structure and if it would be useful or not to have "user" directories inside this shared storage.

Any thoughts, questions, concerns?

I am surprised you have not also blogged about this rebranding, I think it is informative for the larger community.

nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/
photography: http://photoblog.nicubunu.ro/
my Fedora stuff: http://fedora.nicubunu.ro/

Fedora-art-list mailing list

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