On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 09:18 +0200, Oliver Falk wrote:
> On 03/28/2007 02:03 PM, Dan Williams wrote:
> > On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 08:58 +0200, Oliver Falk wrote:
> >> On 03/28/2007 06:22 AM, Dan Williams wrote:
> >>> On Tue, 2007-03-27 at 19:56 -0700, John Villalovos wrote:
> >>>> I have a question about Plague.  Does Plague have the capability to
> >>>> handle dependencies where if you build one RPM that other RPMS depend
> >>>> on for their BuildRequires that you can then build all those RPMS and
> >>>> any other RPMS which maybe affected by building them?
> >>> ie, like debian's build system?
> >>>
> >>> No, plague doesn't do that.  It was a planned option but Koji is taking
> >>> over for plague and I'm not sure if that's planned for Koji.
> >> AFAIK, it's planned for koji. And don't blame me, but OpenSuSE's build 
> >> system has this capability :-)
> > 
> > Yeah; it's nice to have.  It's also a headache in some situations so it
> > needs to be selectable.
> I think, the bsys should raise up a list of deps that might need a 
> rebuild; A webpage with checkboxes and a go button. :-) Eventuall a 

Two things I see with this:

1) I can rebuild any package without a maintainer's permission; That's
going to be a problem in some cases.

2) We'd have to make 110% sure that a script that rebuilds the SRPMs and
bumps the release correctly; often there are some packages that have
problems with auto-bumped release.  This could be solved through more
stringent packaging guidelines.


> notification to the maintainer if build fails, and/or a bug#, whatever. 
> But if you want autorebuilds in such a way, the system needs to know how 
> to increase the release number and add a cl entry to the spec; Needs cvs 
> commit rights and so on... Maybe nothing anyone wants to be automated... 
> However, I'm not goin' to code this :-P
> -of
> --
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