Am Sonntag, den 28.06.2009, 15:29 +0200 schrieb drago01:
> +-----------------------------------------------+
> | [*] Fedora Live, featuring the GNOME Desktop  |
> +-----------------------------------------------+
> | [] Fedora Live KDE Edition                    |
> | [] Fedora Live XFCE Edition                   |
> | [] Fedora Live LXDE Edition                   |
> +-----------------------------------------------+
> | [] Fedora Installation DVD                    |
> +------------(System Architectures)-------------+
> | [*] x86                                       |
> | [] x86_64                                     |
> | [] PPC                                        |
> | [] PPC64                                      |
> +-----------------------------------------------+
> |               (Download)                    |
> +-----------------------------------------------+
> Would this make everybody happy?
> - The default Desktop is at the top and selected by default.
> - It is visiable that it includes GNOME for people who are looking for
> a specific Desktop
> - Other DEs are listed in at the default Download page rather than
> hidden behind links
> - The Arch can be selected at the download page
>       - Maybe we can make the "System Architectures" section expandable and
> collapsed by default to not clutter the interface with to many options
>       - Not sure about PPC (its moving to a secondary arch in F13)
This looks awesome! If we set links to the different DE's on their names
(I volounteer to create something like
it would be perfect. We could even just set the links to the Wikipedia
articles, they'll work fine too.

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