Thomas Janssen wrote:
> 2009/7/30  <>:
>> I am new to this list, and I am looking forward to hearing the discussion.
>> But thanks to bob and others responding to my post on
>> , I think I would
>> like to broach a subject.  My apologies if this is already a burning issue
>> -- I am at work, and should not spend time browsing the archives.
>> Is Fedora really gaining that much ground with every bi-yearly release to
>> justify that pace?
>> After all Red Hat is not a desktop but a server, right?  And Chrome could
>> kill current races to find a desktop to compete with Windows.  So why not
>> concentrate on what Red Hat/Fedora does best?  Let Ubuntu grind out Gnome
>> and KDE enhancements.  How often does Solaris release desktop distros?
> That post is just intended to start a flamewar. It didn't work on the
> forum, so you try it here.
> *If* it's seriously what you think. You shouldn't waste the time of
> our developers, but google and read up on all the topics you brought
> up here. If you cant do at work, do it at home.
> Sorry if it sounds too snarky.

I was thinking the same as you Thomas.

It appears that just about every week a new 'blog type' post like this
appears. And many, too many IMHO, respond. After the thread dies down
another, similar, post arrives and it happens all over again. <sigh>

I think it looks like a set pattern.


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