> Will it not be a better idea to let the subtle nuances and guidelines
> be taken care by rpmlint and then diagnose the readings of rpmlint
> spewed out rather than writing out a battery of similar tests as
> written in rpmlint ?

Good question.

I think what we want is a layer of Fedora specific checks over
Rpmlint. In fact the following class takes care of the Rpmlint part:

class CheckRpmlint(QACheck):
    """unleashes rpmlint at the srpm and the binary rpm if the build
is complete"""

Checks like downloading the sources, patches, checking their upstream
validity, etc. might take too much time and assume too much (eg., good
internet connection, etc.) for a tool like Rpmlint.  Running a
full-blown review is not always necessary in the lifetime of a
package, but people do tend to use Rpmlint to check up a new package
before pushing it.

Happy hacking,

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