Debarshi Ray wrote:

> Turns out that Rpmlint does implement some of the checks that are
> being separately implemented by the script. eg., the use of
> desktop-file-validate is already implemented by Rpmlint's MenuXDGCheck
> class.

A good way to begin would be by:

+ noting what tools (viz. rpmlint, mock) etc are used by the current
Package Review Process
+ noting what steps of the Package Review Process can be automated (eg.
slurping the srpm from the BZ#, running the Guideline specific tests and
spewing an output)

moving on to figuring out how much of the 'Guidelines' can be coded into
the system to make it a bit more intelligent and of course having all
this with a backend database

This of course assumes that we accept the premise that fedora-qa is a
good conceptual starting or jump-off point, but not r-o-m. That would be
a newer tool and perhaps not a rebase of fedora-qa

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