On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 6:10 PM, susmit
shannigrahi<thinklinux....@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks for bringing this up. I love it when good ideas pop up.

> I was just thinking, we seriously lack apps for tapping this
> particular section,
> that is the health care and medical community.
> Time to roll out a spin? It is going to be a good selling point and
> good work if done.

There are two ways to go about it - a good way and, a not-so-good way.
The latter means clubbing together all "like" software into a spin via
a fairly trivial kickstart. So, what you get is a bunch of
applications shoved into a spin without having a storyline. The former
is sifting through the applications using a story and, choosing them
so that they are effectively used from Day0. In short, what I suggest
is getting someone with domain knowledge of this field involved as
well. I think that was one of the reasons FEL became wildly

Having said all that, if you are cooking up a kickstart - I can
volunteer to do QA :)

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