On Sat, Mar 25, 2006 at 10:24:12AM -0500, David Eisner wrote:
> Eric Rostetter wrote:
> >This sounds like what happens when we rush the QA processes...
> Other distros had advance warning about this vulnerability, and hence 
> more time to apply patches and do testing.

Personally I _hugely_ prefer fixed packages with minor packaging
imperfections, which BTW can be trivially fixed by whomever is
installing them by adding a link or two, then waiting for something
which installs without a hitch and have a mail server "owned" in the
meantime.  Headaches in both cases do not even start to compare.

I think that everybody should send Jesse big thanks for preparing
new packages on such short notice.  "New-and-improved", which create
all needed links automatically on an installation, can be issued
later.  Of course it would help if people experiencing problems
would try to identify what went wrong (older 'alternatives' do not
work like they should?, some typos in %post scripts?, something
else?).  Again, look at what 'rpm -q --scripts sendmail' reports
and check is something is amiss there, as the first step, if you
have seen troubles.


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