On Sat, Mar 25, 2006 at 11:39:33AM +0100, Danny Terweij - Net Tuning | Net 
> My sendmail on FC3 boxes also not working correctly.

Interesting.  I actually did install an update on an FC3 box and
it did not need any corrections after that.

> mailq was set as mailq.sendmail.
> newaliases was set as newaliases.sendmail

They should be.  That is exactly right.  But also
/usr/bin/mailq should be a link to /etc/alternatives/mta-mailq.
Are you missing that link?  Do you have any file systems mounted
over NFS, for example.

BTW - whatever is in /etc/alternatives/ is a symlink too.
Yes, this "alternatives" system is somewhat baroque.

In any case you can quickly save the day by creating few symlinks


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