On Sat, 2008-06-07 at 18:01 +0000, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> Suddenly, Evolution has stopped working with the exchange connector.
> Whenever I try to read a folder, I get a pop-up with
>         Error while Refreshing folder (or Error while opening
>         folder ...)
>         Lost connection to Evolution Exchange backend process
> Sometimes I get a "folder doesn't exist" message.
> Calendars seem to be OK.
> I tried using the previous kernel, and I tried backing out the latest
> Evolution update, downgrading to evolution-2.12.3-4.fc8.x86_64.rpm, but
> neither helps.
> Anybody else seeing this?  Any suggestions?

My suggestion is to head over to the Evolution list, where a lot of the
traffic in recent months has been about problems with Exchange (to the
annoyance of those of us who don't use it).

See http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/evolution-list


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