On Sunday 08 June 2008, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> >
> > I am truly sorry about that.  I really wish there were an
> > enterprise-class alternative that I could persuade my enterprise to
> > adopt, but that's not going to happen any time soon (whether due to lack
> > of alternative or lack of ability to steer my lumbering enterprise...).
> I feel your pain :-) Zimbra and Groupwise look like viable alternatives,
> but it's a huge and potentially very disruptive decision for an
> enterprise to make.
There's another one I read about...Postpath.com has a mail server that is 
a 'drop-in" replacement for Exchange and runs on linux. If anyone on this 
list has tried it, I'd like to hear about it as I'm trying desperately to 
keep my boss from making me buy Exchange. :-)

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