On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 15:07 -0600, linuxguy wrote:
> I'd like to backup a bunch of data onto DVDs.   About 16 GB worth, more
> than a single DVD holds.
> Is there a (GPL?) Linux utility that I can use to do this easily ?

I had the same problem myself and when I couldn't find anything that
fulfilled my needs I ended up writing BackupFiller

It is a small script (and you may not be interested in scripts - judging
by your Subject-line) that given a directory generates path-list files
that can then be passed on to mkisofs to to make CDs or DVDs.

It is quite basic but it gets the job done for me at least. You can take
a look at it and if you have any problems drop me a mail, and I will try
to help.

Kind regards.
Mads Villadsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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