On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 23:46 +0200, Mads Villadsen wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 15:07 -0600, linuxguy wrote:
> > I'd like to backup a bunch of data onto DVDs.   About 16 GB worth, more
> > than a single DVD holds.
> > 
> > Is there a (GPL?) Linux utility that I can use to do this easily ?
> I had the same problem myself and when I couldn't find anything that
> fulfilled my needs I ended up writing BackupFiller
> (http://www.krakoa.dk/linux-software.html#BACKUPFILLER).
> It is a small script (and you may not be interested in scripts - judging
> by your Subject-line) that given a directory generates path-list files
> that can then be passed on to mkisofs to to make CDs or DVDs.
> It is quite basic but it gets the job done for me at least. You can take
> a look at it and if you have any problems drop me a mail, and I will try
> to help.

That is the best solution that I have seen thus far.  Its kind of
surprising there isn't an app for this given that we should all be
backing things up pretty frequently. 

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