Joe Klemmer wrote:
        While it's a fact that the kernel is the only part of any distro that's
actually named Linux, The name has become attached to the entire OS.  It
is the de facto name for any OS that runs the Linux kernel regardless of
what the rest of the distro includes.  That's the reality of it and
there's no changing it.

So the system originally known as GNU became known to some as Linux, but no other change can ever be expected? Only one change, ever?

        BTW, has the FSF been as vocal about GNU/FreeBSD?  Not picking on *BSD,
just curious.

They probably don't need to be, as GNU/FreeBSD is clear about its implementation. It's a FreeBSD kernel in combination with the GNU operating system.

People who refer to GNU/Linux as "Linux" are not being similarly clear, and should be corrected.

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