On Jul 15, 2008, Gordon Messmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Linus referred to GNU in the first usenet post that he wrote to
> comp.os.minix announcing his intention to write what would become
> Linux.

And then in the 0.01 announcement, still under a non-Free Software


Select quotes (*emphasis* mine)


                Notes for *linux* release 0.01

*linux*-0.01.tar.Z      - sources to the *kernel*

This is a free minix-like *kernel* [...]

Sadly, a kernel by itself gets you nowhere. To get a working system you
need a shell, compilers, a library etc. These are separate parts and may
be under a stricter (or even looser) copyright. Most of the tools used
with *linux* are *GNU* software and are under the GNU copyleft. These tools
aren't in the distribution - ask me (or GNU) for more info.

[...] Happy hacking.


'nuff said?

Alexandre Oliva         http://www.lsd.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED], gnu.org}
FSFLA Board Member       ¡Sé Libre! => http://www.fsfla.org/
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED], gcc.gnu.org}

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