Mike C wrote:
Deron Meranda <deron.meranda <at> gmail.com> writes:

The / and primary swap partitions (or logical volumes) are handled a
bit differently than say /opt.  They are mounted very early in the boot
process, and in fact are handled by the initrd's nash scripts.  If you
change the LUKS options for these, you'll need to rebuild the initrd
(see mkinitrd) as well.  Or, you could just wait until the next kernel
update and it will correct things for you.

I'd use /dev/urandom for swap; unless it's a laptop and you'll

Great - I understand now - yes I remember there were certainly mkinitrd
issues in F8 which are hopefully corrected in f9.

Indeed this is a laptop - I guess I can re-run mkinitrd manually and maybe this will work ahead of waiting for another kernel.
Hence referring to the keyfile in /root will be better than /dev/urandom

Better in what way? I think either case gets you out of typing a 2nd LIKS password. Using /dev/urandom seems to avoid having a password where anyone could ever recover it, and I think using LUKS on swap will kill suspend in either case (it may work better than it did last time I tried it).

Bill Davidsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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