Bill Davidsen <davidsen <at>> writes:

> Better in what way? I think either case gets you out of typing a 2nd 
> LIKS password. Using /dev/urandom seems to avoid having a password where 
> anyone could ever recover it, and I think using LUKS on swap will kill 
> suspend in either case (it may work better than it did last time I tried 
> it).

Yup - you are right - at least with the keyfile stored for swap - I cannot
come out of suspend!!  I am not sure this is working right at present as
even regenerating the initial ramdisk file it still asks for the swap
passphrase at boot - and it goes into suspend but won't come out!

It is possible this is due to the hardware being quite old (around 5 years
old) - which is my test system!

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