Mike McCarty wrote:
> Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
>> I didn't run FC2, so I am not sure about this. Could it be that the
>> DVD-ROM drive is reporting that there is a disk in the drive, but
>> taking too long to report the rest of the information, so that the
>> system is assuming that it is a blank disk? (Or reporting error like
>> it is trying to read a blank disk...)
> That's a good supposition.
> I suppose that's possible. What I really need is to be able to know
> that others use DVD-ROM drives and don't have this problem. I want
> to narrow it down to either the DVD-ROM drive itself, settings in
> FC2, or what. Until I know what the incompatibility is, I can't go
> about fixing it. I don't want to return the drive, only to have
> the replacement behave the same way. Perhaps I can put a CD-ROM
> in there as well, and boot CentOS or similar LiveCD and see what
> it thinks. If the drive works as expected with CentOS, then perhaps
> that's the way to go. I really should be using a supported OS anyway.
> If it does not work with a LiveCD, then perhaps there actually is
> a problem with the drive itself.
> Thanks for the reply!
> Mike
Well, I am running 2 DVD-RW - I forget the brands, but they show up
in dmesg as:

They will both auto-mount CDs and DVDs. But this is with F8, so I do
not know if that helps with FC2.

One other thing to keep in mind when testing - some systems will not
boot from CD if there are 2 CD/DVD drives in the system at the same
time. I think it is getting kind of rare now, but I do run into it
once in a while.

I hope this helps...


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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