Craig White, il 27/08/2008 19:05, scrisse:

I even tried with secutity share, and this way I'm able to access the share, but only with barbara's password. if I try to access without a password it says "server not using user level security and no password supplied".
It would be easier if you understood the differences between security =
user and security = share

security = user is the default and typically recommended method. This
simulates the type of networking since the release of WinNT4 and a user
need only connect to the server in one instance (user/password) and it
connects to all resources from that server. If the user logs in to his
Windows computer with the same user/password combination, then that
should automatically be passed to the Samba server without any need for
user entry.

security = share emulates the type of file sharing that was typical of
Windows 95 & Windows 98 where each share requires login with a user name
and password each time. Security = share has languished with little
attention since it is rarely used and probably will be phased out before
too long.

I tried with security=share because "man smb.conf" states:
<from "man smb.conf">
If the service is marked “guest only = yes” and the server is running with share-level security (“security = share”, steps 1 to 5 are skipped.
6. If the service is a guest service, a connection is made as the username given in the guest account = for the service, irrespective of the supplied password.
<\from "man smb.conf">

so I thought that if I would set security=share, and set "guest only=yes" in the share, I could have connect to that share from everywhere and as everyone... unfortunately it isn't so on fedora, while it is so on my home pc :(

      Massimo Maiurana         massimo<at>       GPG keyID #7044D601

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