Craig White, il 27/08/2008 19:49, scrisse:

fwiw...I set up my home Fedora 9 with tdbsam passdb (I normally use
ldap) on Fedora 9 to test your issues and I'm not having user issues or
any error adding users...

there have to be a difference between your system and mine, but what?

# smbpasswd -a jennifer
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Added user jennifer.

if samba is started from init those messages appears only in the logs, not on the console. if, from a terminal, I wipe out /var/lib/samba, restart samba, and try to add a user, then the error messages appears on the console.

have you edited smb.conf or are you using the default one?

I doubt you want to use the socket options as those are legacy from 2.4

But you have introduced a new configuration to the discussion and I'm
wondering which system configuration we are talking about.

no no, the latter was my home pc configuration, was not meant to be discussed, I introduced it just as an example of definitely working configuration.

      Massimo Maiurana         massimo<at>       GPG keyID #7044D601

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