On Sat August 30 2008 19:12:17 Anne Wilson wrote:
> Thanks, everyone who has answered my original questions - and if you still
> haven't, please do.
> The team have asked if I can get more information, so that they can
> adequately classify users and answers.  Before I give you the questions,
> though, can I say that my original post implied that I was only interested
> in KDE users. That's not so.  We're interested in the view of everyone who
> is using or has used kickoff.
> In order to make the answers more complete, we'd also like to know if your
> wife/girlfriend/mother/grandmother/son/daughter has any experience of
> kickoff, answering the same questions as before.
> The additional information we'd like for each user is
> What is your profession?
> What is your technical proficiency level?
> Which of the following age-bands do you fit into?
> 5-25  25-50  50+
> Thank you once again for your help.  The results are proving most
> interesting.

Oops, That's just crossed my "Don't leak personal shiznit online/3rd-parties 
without some official looking privacy statement" I can't proceed any further.



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