On Sunday 31 August 2008 20:00:20 dexter wrote:
> On Sat August 30 2008 19:12:17 Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Thanks, everyone who has answered my original questions - and if you
> > still haven't, please do.
> >
> > The team have asked if I can get more information, so that they can
> > adequately classify users and answers.  Before I give you the questions,
> > though, can I say that my original post implied that I was only
> > interested in KDE users. That's not so.  We're interested in the view of
> > everyone who is using or has used kickoff.
> >
> > In order to make the answers more complete, we'd also like to know if
> > your wife/girlfriend/mother/grandmother/son/daughter has any experience
> > of kickoff, answering the same questions as before.
> >
> > The additional information we'd like for each user is
> >
> > What is your profession?
> >
> > What is your technical proficiency level?
> >
> > Which of the following age-bands do you fit into?
> >
> > 5-25  25-50  50+
> >
> > Thank you once again for your help.  The results are proving most
> > interesting.
> Oops, That's just crossed my "Don't leak personal shiznit
> online/3rd-parties without some official looking privacy statement" I can't
> proceed any further.
> ...dex

Entirely your choice, Dex.  The details I pass back will not include your 
name.  The questions are designed to try to discover whether certain working 
patterns are related to whether you are a computer professional, whether you 
have a problem-solving profession, or maybe certain patterns fit certain age 

I don't expect that everyone who answered the first set of questions will also 
answer these, but the more that do answer, the better picture we will have of 
who the KDE users are, and what their needs and expectations are.



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