A colleague here has had a fresh install of Fedora 9 for a while, and the only remaining issue he has is that, after being logged in for a while, he starts getting a an ever increasing slew of extra icons on his desktop that don't match devices or actual files in ~/Desktop.

Now, these aren't *totally* fictitious; it appears to be something to do with a '.snapshot' directory (or it's updates) that our network filer maintains on our NFS-shared home directories (containing hourly.0, .1, etc., nightly.0, etc.). I don't believe there's anything special about this directory.

Mostly, it seems that the icons that appear seem to be dirs. and files in in them (albeit skipping the 'hourly.0' level) such that the rogue icons appear to be from the home directory.

We're not quite sure what causes this; it may be the backup process occurring (once every few hours). He *can* force a fictional '.snapshot' to appear on the desktop by inserting a USB stick. When the stick's removed, .snapshot stays when the USB icon goes.

'lshal' isn't showing anything untoward, and neither is 'mount'. Logout and re-login clears the rogue icons, IIRC.

It may be something to do with the LDAP-authenticated home dir. mounts (we've not seen any issues with this before, but F9 did have some problems when trying to use NetworkManager as that came up too late to access /home)

  We've seen odd things like the following in /var/log/messages (edited):

Aug 29 12:06:27 hostname hald: unmounted /dev/sdb1 from '/media/disk' on behalf of uid 1143 Aug 29 12:06:27 hostname gnome-keyring-daemon[2695]: removing removable location: volume_uuid_766C_D2DD
Aug 29 12:06:37 hostname kernel: usb 1-8: USB disconnect, address 4
Aug 29 12:06:38 hostname automount[2229]: st_expire: state 1 path /home
Aug 29 12:06:38 hostname automount[2229]: expire_proc: exp_proc = 3084909456 path /home Aug 29 12:06:38 hostname automount[2229]: expire_proc_indirect: expire /home/username/.snapshot/nightly.1/eonic199702-welcome_files Aug 29 12:06:38 hostname automount[2229]: expire_proc_indirect: expire /home/username/.snapshot/nightly.1/database-migration Aug 29 12:06:38 hostname automount[2229]: expire_proc_indirect: expire /home/username/.snapshot/nightly.1/iip_default_files Aug 29 12:06:38 hostname automount[2229]: expire_proc_indirect: expire /home/username/.snapshot/nightly.1/iip_qanda_files

What else can I 'ls'? Where else does nautilus get its drive information from?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# rm -f .signature
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory

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