Hi Kevin,
> I want to add a menu item to the plasma panel (the panel formerly known as 
> kicker) not to the Fedora-Menu (the F in the left corner).
> I want an item on my panel/task manager at the bottom of the screen that when 
> clicked will bring up a menu.
> Is this do-able ?
Yes, of course, even if it might be tricky to be found. First ensure
that the desktop is unlocked, so you are able to add new plasmoids. Then
start the kickoff menu and right click on the item, you want to add to
the panel. You should the right item in the context menu (not sure
what's actually called in the english version, but you ll find ;-)). The
item in the contextmenu won't show up, if the plasma is locked, so some
people don't find this feature.

Best regards,

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