On Thu November 6 2008 1:39:47 pm Kevin Kempter wrote:
> I want an item on my panel/task manager at the bottom of the
> screen that when clicked will bring up a menu.
> Is this do-able ?

I seem to be answering a lot of these questions in the past days, 
but, I'm not a KDE developer. You can add another instance of the 
application launcher to your plasma panel, either the kickoff or 
classic style, but, so far as I know, it is not separately 
editable from the one that appears in your panel at screen left 
(the 'F') - so, far as I know, if you want a custom application 
launcher (button that brings up a menu) separate from the main 
application launcher, it is not currently possible. 
Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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