On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 00:27:20 +0200,
  Markku Kolkka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bruno Wolff III kirjoitti viestissään (lähetysaika torstai, 27. 
> marraskuuta 2008):
> > He probably doesn't even need MIME since html is text based. A
> > content-type header saying the messages is text/html will
> > probably do the trick.
> The Content-Type mail header is part of MIME. You need the 
> MIME-Version header in addition to Content-Type, and the 
> Content-Transfer-Encoding header is required if the message is 
> anything else than 7-bit unencoded text.

The content-type header predates MIME. RFC 1049 was the oldest mention
of it that I could find.

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