I did this and it works for me.

ssh a...@ipaddress 

But if I do

ssh ipaddress
ssh: connect to host ipaddress port 22: No route to host

--- On Sun, 6/7/09, Chris Tyler <> wrote:

> From: Chris Tyler <>
> Subject: Re: ssh tutorial
> To: "Community assistance, encouragement, and advice for using Fedora." 
> <>
> Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 12:04 AM
> On Fri, 2009-06-05 at 23:39 -0700,
> gmspro wrote:
> > Would anyone tell how to use ssh command in brief?
> Let me try my hand at a basic primer...
> (1) SSH is used to login to a remote computer:
>     ssh u...@computer
> Or:
>     ssh -l user computer
> Where:
> 'user' is your username on the remote computer.
> 'computer' is the hostname of the remote computer, if it
> has a DNS A
> record or an entry in /etc/hosts, or the IP address.
> Examples:
>     ssh ja...@argonaut
> Logs in as 'jason' on the computer 'argonaut', assuming
> that the IP
> address for 'argonaut' is listed in the /etc/hosts file.
> This approach
> might be used on a small home network.
>     ssh
> Logs in as 'chris' on the computer
> '', where
> '' has a correctly-configured DNS
> entry so it can
> be resolved into an IP address. This approach is used for
> almost all
> publicly-accessible machines.
>     ssh j...@
> Logs in as 'jane' on the computer with the IP address
> With
> this approach you need to know the IP address but don't
> require an entry
> in /etc/hosts or a DNS A record. This approach might be
> used when
> initially setting up some machines on a network.
> These commands will give you shell access on the remote
> machine, after
> you have provided your password.
> Additional information:
> - You can leave the username out if it's exactly the same
> as the
> username under which you logged in to the local machine:
>     ssh
> - You can add a command name if you want to run just one
> command instead
> of accessing a shell. For example, to run 'who' on
> I
> could use:
>     ssh
> who
> - Adding the '-C' option (note the capital letter) turns on
> compression.
> If you're going through a slow connection, this can improve
> performance.
> If you're on a local connection (LAN), don't bother.
> - Adding the '-X' option (again, a capital letter) turns on
> X11
> forwarding. This lets you run a graphical command remotely
> and have it
> display locally, assuming that the local system has an X
> server (e.g.,
> the local computer is running Linux/BSD/Solaris/AIX/...
> with a GUI, or
> it's running OSX or Windows and an X server has been
> started). For
> example:
>     ssh -XC ch...@concord3 virt-manager
> ...will run the virt-manager application on concord3 and
> display the
> virt-manager graphical window on the local display. Note:
> in some
> situations, depending on the ssh server configuration, you
> may need to
> use '-Y' instead of '-X'. (Note that the -C option is also
> being used
> here; its use with -X is strongly recommended).
> (2) You can use the related 'scp' secure copy utility (or,
> alternately,
> sftp) to transfer files to and from a remote system using
> ssh:
>     scp u...@computer:/path/to/file name
> This transfers /path/to/file from the account 'user' on the
> remote
> system 'computer' to 'name' on the local system. Note that
> this is the
> same syntax as the 'cp' (copy) command, except that
> 'u...@computer' is
> placed in front of the source filename.
> Examples:
>     scp ch...@concord3:/etc/services c3s
> The file /etc/services on concord3 (using account name
> 'chris') is
> transferred to the file 'c3s' in the local current
> directory.
>     scp ch...@concord3:~/todo.txt .
> The file 'todo.txt' in the home directory of user 'chris'
> on 'concord3'
> is transferred to the current directory ('.').
> You can also transfer *to* a remote system, by putting the
> u...@computer
> part in front of the destination file:
>     scp todo.txt
> The file 'todo.txt' on the local system (current directory)
> is
> transferred to the /tmp directory on the system
> ''
> using the account 'jason'.
> (3) See the ssh documentation for information on how to use
> ssh with
> public/private keys, eliminating the need to constantly
> retype the
> password.
> Hope this is useful--
> --
> Chris Tyler
> -- 
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