2009/6/11 gmspro <gms...@yahoo.com>:
>> I would try
>>     ssh -v ipaddress
> This does not work.
> It says "permission denied" after giving the password three times.
>> and
>>     ssh -l abc ipaddress
> Giving the same password this works.

Is your username on the machine you are ssh'ing from the same as your
username on the machine you are ssh'ing to?

If your username locally is USERLOCAL, then "ssh -v ipaddress" is
equivalent to "ssh -v userlo...@ipaddress" or "ssh -v -l USERLOCAL

If your usernames are the same, then the only way I can see "ssh
ipaddress" failing while "ssh -l username ipaddress" succeeds is if
your .ssh/config file has a specific username for that machine set -
something like this:
# cat .ssh/config
User                    remoteuser

The -l argument to ssh would override that, but without the -l you
would be trying to "ssh -l remoteuser"


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