My problem is solved, at least for now. My reservation is becauser I don't know 
what I did.
 Last night I tried to be sure I had no filters interfering., I turned off the 
firewall, booted and tried firefox and dillo. Neither worked. I made selinux 
permissive, rebooted and tried dillo and firefox. Neither worked. I went to 
bed. This morning I tried Puppy Linux, and it worked fine. So I tried ubuntu, 
and that worked fine. ( I had failed with both of them yesterday.)  So I booted 
fedora and firefox -- success. 
 I was baffled in the beginning, and I am more baffled now.
I thank you all for your efforts. I tried ( to the best of my abilities) to 
implement all the suggestions, but I don't believe I ever really changed 
anything permanently.
 I am OK for now, but Who knows; maybe it only works on thursdays.

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