On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 7:42 PM, stan<gr...@q.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 16:03:00 -0600
> Robert Wuest <rwues...@wuest.org> wrote:
>> Skype was working fine on Fedora 10, but on 11 it consumes 100% of a
>> CPU (running on a Q6600 system).  On Fedora 10, it's CPU usage was in
>> the noise.  After a while (a couple of minutes), the lag time
>> increases to where it is essentially unusable.  I just did an strace
>> of a call to the skype testing service thing and I don't really see
>> anything interesting in there.  Anybody have any ideas what could be
>> wrong?  Something wrong with my audio maybe?
>> Robert
> I don't know about skype, but the flash on some sites is so demanding
> (ill-formed?) that it can use all the resources in the machine unless it
> is curtailed.  Is it possible you have your browser on one of those
> sites, and it only appears to be skype?  One that went hog wild for me
> was yahoo finance.  I ended up using noscript and turning it off. End
> of problem.

Noscript is too drastic. It prevents ANY Javascript from executing,
not just embedded Flash.
Today Javascript is needed for all the AJAX - DHTML goodies.

You can block Flash applets, and actually launch them "on demand" (by
clicking) with Flashblocker



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