On Mon, 2009-06-22 at 17:43 -0600, Robert Wuest wrote:
> I do not see an ALSA 
> option.  Only the default (no workie), several HDA Intel options (no 
> workie), HDMI (no workie), and Pulse (works).  

By "ALSA" I meant any of the non-pulse options - it's my understanding
that Skype is using ALSA. I could be wrong.

I simply set Sound In and Sound Out to "Logitech USB Headset
(hw:Headset,0)" - you would pick whatever sound device you wish to use -
and set Ringing to "C-Media CMI8738 (hw:CMI8738,0)" - again, pick
whatever makes sense for you.

Yes, this will cause conflicts if something else is using the sound
device, but it's not a big problem for me. The headset is used only for
skype, and if I am listening to music, then I don't get audio alerts
when someone IMs or calls me.

> So, this might be interesting: what would happen if I just rpm -e'd 
> everything pulse?

It will take a whole bunch of dependencies with it. You can try it, but
I don't think you'll be happy. You should be able to leave pulse
installed but not use it, though I've never done it and don't know how
to do it.

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