Hello Everyone
I've been trying to figure this out for about a day now, with no success
so far.
On Claws-Mail, I would configure it's Bogofilter plug-in to move Spam
messages to a certain directory, and Unsure messages to another
directory.  The result would be that all of my Ham mailing list messages
were filtered to the appropriate directory for that mailing list, the
spam messages went to SPAM, and the unsure messages went to UNSURE.  Of
course a very few would sneak into my inbox once in a while, but I would
just mark them as SPAM, and they would be automatically moved to the
configured directory.

Now, on Evolution, I have filters set up to move, let's say, the emails
from the Fedora list to a directory named "fedora-list"  My other
mailing lists are set up accordingly.  Evolution has been doing a
perfect job so far with accomplishing this.

But, I have not been able to find where to tell the Evolution's
Bogofilter plugin to put my spam messages and my unsure messages.  One
thing I DO know is that I have manually marked over 500 messages so far
as "Junk".  But, every time new spam comes in, I have to mark it
manually.  Of course, it is then moved to the "Junk" folder, which is
fine.  But, isn't is supposed to be moving it automatically, without me
having to mark it as Junk all the time?

The only documentation that I have FOUND so far is this:

It appears to suggest marking good email as "Junk" and junk email as
"Not Junk"  From the above linked page:

> A lot of people complain that Bogofilter doesn’t work well. The main
> reason it doesn’t work well is because it hasn’t been trained.
> Remember those SPAM and HAM emails you collected in the SPAM and HAM
> folders? Now you are going to use them. First click on the HAM emails.
> These are all good emails (not SPAM). Select all of these and mark
> them as Junk. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s necessary. Now click on
> the Junk folder and you should see all of those emails you just marked
> as SPAM. Select them all again and mark them as Not Junk. Bogofilter
> just learned what you consider to not be junk.

So, have I just not trained enough SPAM yet? (I have done over 500 so
far)  Do I actually have to mark SPAM as "Not Junk" and HAM as "Junk"
like the above linked article suggests?  In my opinion, I would have
really appreciated it if the above linked article had even slightly
explained WHY I was supposed to mark SPAM as "Not Junk"...

I am sure this is almost an embarrassingly simple issue to fix, but none
the less, I have not been able to nail it on my own...

Thank you for your help,
Steven P. Ulrick

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